Olga Fendrych

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About Olga Fendrych

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  • Birthday 10/07/1966

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  1. Simera giortazei o Giannis Kotsiras ta 40 tou. Kyrie Giannni, sas euxomai gia panta tin ygeia sas, kai gia tous dikous sas epeisis. Ta kalitera mas xronia einai tora.
  2. :Look to the story, to "More info". It is rare. Xairetismata gia olous.
  3. Kapoia para poli spania tragoudia tou Gianni Kalatzi kai tou Stavrou Kujumtzi sto youtube. Yparxoun kai alla tragoudia, pou epeisis akougontai spania, vevaios. Sas xaireto olous.
  4. http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=SlGHyVDkXNc
  5. "Ti einai auto, pou mas enonei". Na eimai eilikrini, singinithika, kai poli. http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=EVG9utNATa4
  6. Toulaxiston ligo adikos eisai, Thanasi. An den ennois to "Xeimona kalokairi" (yparxoun xeirotera), exoume kai kala kai poli kala tragoudia ekei. "Opou pas, tha se koitazo" einai exairetiko me ti mousiki tou. "Min geraseis, Anna, min geraseis" ;)
  7. Thank you, Alona, I use this site already many years, but this time my friends need notes themselves as well
  8. Sas parakalo, den tha eixe kaneis tis notes gia tin "Roza"? Poios exei, as na mou tis dinei via e-mail. Euxaristo! Who has the notes to his "Rosa"? Please, could you send them to me by e-mail? Thank you!
  9. Den einei mono gia auti ti evdomada. Opos vlepo, mporo na to akouso astamatita, otan exo kairo. Kai apo ta paliotera: Xristinaki (Giannis Spanos, Kaiti Xomata).
  10. A small fragment only from the hommage programme of ERT, which was lasting some four hours in four parts. 1996, if I remember well. Many fragments are to be found on the Youtube fortunately, not only with Giorgos Dalaras himself, but with Xaris Alexiou, Anastasia Moutsatsou (my favourites), Mariza Koch and another ones. Enjoy this now:
  11. One part more (at least, found now) http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=XZXdRwGnAl8
  12. Ta tragoudia itan megala, pasignosta kai - toulaxiston gia mena - sxedon mono lipimena. Den ksero, giati - kai anmporo na katalavo, i sinavlia itan mia patriotiki kai gia anthropous me megali nostalgia, ma auto den eprepe na simenei, oti prepei na klaime gia ta perasmena xoris elpida. * Enas kompos i xara mou * Paraponemena logia * I arrosti kardia * San o metanastis sti diki sou gi * To teleutaio vradi mou * Ilie mou, se parakalo * Stin Alana * Sto'pa kai s'to ksanaleo Tosa tragoudia thimamai, ma mipos itan kai alla, pou den ithela na akouso kai na thimamai gia na min klaio apelpizmena. Apo to Youtube vrika auti ti stigmi kai auta: O ouranos fevgei varis (stin arxi, san to proto tragoudi)) Se touta edo ta marmara Ta tragoudia, pou xarika para poli na akoloutho, giati ta akouo sixna, itan: * Pou einai ta xronia (pou einai stis sinavlies to deutero meros;;;;;;;;;;;;; * Mi mou thimoneis, matia mou (pos tha mporese na lipsei) * An yparxei logos * Karavia sti steria * Leverkusen (ich muss zugeben, Anna, ich schaute mich eifrig um und wollte Dich sehen) * Ti na thimitho, ti na ksexaso (xoris ton Gianni Ferti, distixos, kai einai toso simandiki i foni tou edo) * Ta vengalika sou matia (tin yxografisi stin "Ultimate Colection" ksero toso ap'exo, oti kathe alli prepei na moiazei me auti, ti na kano) * Mes' stou Bosphorou ta stena * Kali tyxi kai ta kalitera, ta: * Synefiasmeni Kyriaki * Vrexei sti ftoxogeitonia * Tis dikaiosinis ilie noite * Thalassinoi (otan to tragoudaei Giorgos Dalaras me tin Melina Aslanidou, einai ena aksexasto, monadiko aristourgima). Kai ena tragoudi, pou mou elipse poly, ma para poli, itan "Exo ena kafene". Lyriko, pasignosto, lipimeno, agapimeno - kai vevaios kalo gia mia eukeria san auti i sinavlia xoris na mas kanei na klaime. Molis diavasa sto youtube gia to "Stin Alana": Dalaras: i aspirini ton Ellinon :)
  13. Eine kleine Geschichte, mich aber hat's gleich mitgenommen: Kultur Ungewöhnlicher Fluch auf Zypern entdeckt Möge dein Penis schmerzen, sooft du Liebe machst lautet die griechische Inschrift auf einer Bleiplatte, die von französischen Archäologen aus Athen in der Ausgrabungsstätte von Amathous bei Limassol im Süden Zyperns entdeckt wurde. [Mehr dazu auf Seite 11]. Griechenland Zeitung Koumoundourou 31 104 37 Athen Tel: 0030 210 65 60 989 Fax: 0030 210 65 61 167 E-Mail: combox@griechenland-zeitung.de Internet: www.griechenland.net
  14. Listening to many of live recordings and after five concerts of Kyrios Giorgos I could attend, I miss always the same possibilities. Not only the "backstage" meetings (I wanted this time so much to ask about Giannis Fertis and Giannis Kalatzis - any info appreciated) , but 1. the second fragment of "Pou einai ta xronia", "St'arxontiko sou...." 2. the whole, but the whole "Mi mou thimoneis, matia mou" 3. the spoken introduction to "Ti na thimitho, ti na ksexaso". An important part of this very short song gets lost - and, althought Giannis Fertis gave with his voice an unique value to this text, should this get lost for ever in the concerts because of his absence? Missing these three parts I feel always disappointed, as if they were unfinished fairy-tails. Understandable, if a song is present in your life already some 40 years, it is a long time and thousands of performances. But this means, possibly not for me alone, "a luck of repetition" of an old personal and/or family ritual. This is why I would like soooo much to hear this "Mi mou thimoneis" live in its original, chamber version, and not the orchestral one, used after the Israeli Philharmonic' concerts. These fat orchestral additions in the interludes make me irritated. Just because this is the most important work of the whole Greek music for all of us in my family. And so already more than 30 years. Nevertheless, thanks to a phone connection, both my mother and my father could hear this "Pou einai ta xronia" kai this "Mi mou thimoneis". The first one was, since I remember my own life, always a favourite of myself, a long time before I could understand the text. And the second one is always of my father, despite of the passed time, always with these rare moments of tenderness in his voice. Euxaristoume.