franz averstegge

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About franz averstegge

  • Rank
    Dalaras Enthusiasm
  • Birthday 06/27/1949
  1. Thank you everybody for the coments to the new CD!! There are 105 replies , but no coment in english language !! Franz
  2. Thank you so much for your information!! I wished so much , that there could be more posts in english language for members , who cannot read greek language. Franz
  3. Hello together!! I must tell you a little story! We are in holiday on crete. This morning I went to Rethymnon, to look into the CD -shops. In the first shop I asked for the new Dalaras CD "Erima Choria". The man said, maybe in 3 days!! I went to one other CD -shop. The man said the same. This moment the postman came with a package. The man from the Cd-shop said, please wait. He oppened the package, and it was full of "Erima Choria" !!!!!!!!!!!!! Back in our hotel I heard the CD, and I must tell you, the CD is great!!! I think this is a nice story. Franz
  4. Nikolas I will also thank you for your answer, and what you want to do for us.This site is very important for all Dalaras friends!! Franz
  5. I agree with Chris! It is high time to renew the site.I don't understand Nikolas, sometimes he is in the site, but as Chris said, he is no " Captain" since long time.Maybe he has lost interest in the site, then he must say that!! Franz
  6. Thank you Dora, Marijke asked what I also wanted to ask!! Franz
  7. Anna, you are right! I think there are some members who give up! Geske, thank you for your understanding. The last time , I loose more and more interest in this site. Not because of loosing interest in the music, only because, that I cannot read all the posts! And I think, that I am not alone.I am very sad because of this. The forum was and is very important for me. # Franz
  8. Hello Music Lover Welcome in this forum. The same problem for me. I also do not speak greek. It is very difficult for us , to " follow this web site". Maybe two years ago this was a international web site ,with half english and half greek language. But now we have maybe 90% greek language. But we have this topic. Have much fun with this web site! Franz
  9. Danke Geske ! Es hat keine Eile!! Gruß Franz
  10. Where can I find the translation for the song "Tou Vagori"? Franz
  11. Thank you Dora for your help!! I remember the early days of the community (2001) we had maybe 75% posts in English , and the rest in Greek language. Now it is the opposite!! Franz