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Πενήντα παραστάσεις στο πρόγραμμα του Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών για το Ηρώδειο το 2003

Αθήνα: Μεγάλοι δημιουργοί, συμφωνικές ορχήστρες, κλασικά και μοντέρνα θεατρικά σχήματα, χορευτικές παραστάσεις, αλλά και όπερες, συνθέτουν τις πενήντα εκδηλώσεις που θα παρουσιαστούν από τις 2 Ιουνίου έως τις 28 Σεπτεμβρίου στο Ηρώδειο, στο πλαίσιο του Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών.




Η ενότητα του προγράμματος «Ελληνική δημιουργία - Έλληνες δημιουργοί» περιλαμβάνει αφιέρωμα στη Μικρά Ασία με τον Γιώργο Νταλάρα σε τραγούδια από τη «Μικρά Ασία» και τον «Βυζαντινό Εσπερινό» του Απόστολου Καλδάρα.

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Bravo!!! Bravo!! GREAT NEWS!!! :D

Α, ρε Γιωργάρα, ποτέ δεν θα κουραστείς?? :D

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Απο την χαρά μου και την βιασύνη μου άνοιξα τοpic το ίδιο θέμα !!!

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YPEROXA NEA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear members of this Community I think this is going to be a very special concert for all of us. :D:D

Why don`t we try to make it a time to remember for the rest of our lives.



I hope we know the exact date soon enough :D

My God , I really can`t believe this ,It`s adream come true!!

I`ve always dreamed about having the chance to listen to these particular songs LIVE again.


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Well , I just read the programme of the Athens festival. The date of the concert is the 21st of June. It`s a Saturday.


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I have just visited the Athens Festival website and confirmed the date for Dalaras - 21/6/03. How do we go about buying tickets? I can't seem to get anywhere on the website. I cannot wait until "late 2003" in London. I really want to go to this concert.


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I have been having similar problems with the Athens Festival website. I will keep trying, but like Athina I'd welcome any news, particularly regarding when the tickets go on sale.

So Rena - you can include me on the list of members attending this concert and I look forward to meeting you there! :blush::rolleyes:

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Here's what I found out from the Athens Festival website...

Dear M Julie Demos,

i would like to informe you that you can order for tickets 4 weekes before the performance date by fax at +30210 9282933 writing you credit card number and exp. date with your signature on the pare, the number of the tickets you want and for wich price.

in March through our web site you can see the price list of the tickets at but you can order the tickets about 4 weeks before the performance date.

For any farther information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely yours

Theodoros Nikolaidis

Pikerni :):):)

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This I found at

Hellenic Festival 2003

A Tribute to Asia Minor with George Dalaras

The evening of June 21 at Odeon of Herod Atticus is dedicated to the musical tradition of Asia Minor. The high acclaimed Greek singer George Dalaras interprets Apostolos Kaldaras' works "Mikra Asia" (Asia Minor) and "Vyzantinos Esperinos" (Byzantine Vespers), as well as a collection of other traditional songs.

A choir, a big traditional orchestra consisted of 35 musicians (who play the bouzouki, oud, violin, dulcimer, accordion, guitar and other folklore instruments,) and Areti Ketime, a young virtuoso in dulcimer, collaborate as well. During the concert photos of several places in Asia Minor are projected.

This event takes place under the auspices of His All Holliness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and UNESCO.

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Η πρώτη μέρα προπώλησης εισητηρίων ειναι το SABBATO 31 Μαίου.

Αν τα μέλη της Αθήνας οργανωθούν καλά ίσως μπορέσουμε και μεις να έρθουμε. Στο τηλέφωνο o υπεύθυνος μου τόνισε πως μόνο αν κάποιος περιμένει 2 ώρες στην ουρά την πρώτη μέρα, θα βρεί εισητήριο.

They start selling tickets on the 31st May.

Of course you can fax them and ask to buy a ticket by credit card, but this can only happen the second day-2nd June- and they told me that they don`t think there`ll be any tickets left to buy.

For more information:

To τηλέφωνο του Ελληνικού Φεστιβάλ είναι 210-9282900

και το fax 210-9282933.

RENA :):):blush:

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Tickects: Opening day 31st May from 9:00 to 14:30.

prices: 90, 70 ,50,35, 26 euros.

tel number:210-3221459


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Να διευκρινίσουμε ότι η δ/ση των εκδοτηρίων είναι

Πανεπιστημίου39 στοά Σπεσματζόγλου.

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21 Ιουνιου 2003

Ο Γιώργος Νταλάρας μετ τα έργα


εμφανίζεται στο Ωδείο Ηρώδιου του Αττικού

στις 21 Ιουνίου 2003,

στα πλαισία του Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών.

Το έργο παρουσιάσεται ολόκληρο για πρώτη φορά.

Μαζί του εμφανίζεται η ΓΛΥΚΕΡΙΑ.

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And for those who have not still bought their tickets because they fear there are not any tickets left, there are 90e, 70e, 50e and 26e tickets still for sale :pity:

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'Sa nyxterida to myalo mou' tha fterougisei ekei ekeinh th vradia... :):):)

Krima pou exoume tis eksetaseis... :pity:

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It is Tuesday, 18.30, the concert is in 4 days, and I can't see that anybody ever said a word about WHERE we meet and at what TIME. And how do I recognize you guys, I have only met with Niki sofar?!. And I saw Astron, who also saw me, but I cannot say that the encounter was ever so successful!!! He did NOT appear very enthusiastic, you see... Well, I have seen some photoes, but it does not help much. I would surely recognize HRISTAKI, but he is not comming, not just YET!!! So, I believe I will have to look for Niki and ASK HER NICELY to introduce me to the others,especially to G, whom I am looking forward anxiously to meet...HELLO, G.!!! Ti kanis?!

I believe it commences at 9 or 9.30, and, since the ticket at 26 euro have no reserved seats, those who bought such tickets will have and be glad to be there MUCH earlier. I am one of those, though I have bought no ticket. Want to see the members. Ton Giorgo ton xero ke ton eho "VARETHI" !!! :blush: Stin ali zoi... :blush:

If noone responds to this, I will understand that everybody is anxious to see me as much as I them and that they don't answer, having GITTERS, as I have...poor me...but I will SURVIVE!!! :rolleyes::music: :lol:

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I wish I could write in Greek here but my computer does not seem to have the facility.

I wish I was going to be there on Saturday - oh how I wish!!!!!

Irodeio is an experience never to be forgotten. Irodeio AND Dalaras!!!

At the moment I HATE work!!!!! I REALLY REALLY thought I would make it for this one. :D

To all who are going - savour each moment.


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