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About Lyrics (again)

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Forgive me for annoying you every now and then with my questions about lyrics, but I think that this time you can blame...Olga :D

She mentioned Aldebaran (the club member - not the star) and by vewing his rpofile I found the following lyrics:

.......ακομα κι αν αυτοι που θελαμε, δε γιναμε,

ακομα κι αν αυτοι που ειμασταν, δεν μειναμε......

Do you have any idea where are they from?

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I keep asking about the lyrics stated above.

But today I'm adding something new:

Mikroastoi kai proletarioi se koitane se stul "ante kourespou" neare.

I don't know this verse, but my neighbour, who does NOT know Greek, knows it by heart - it's a long and funny story...I may tell it another time.

I hope that somebody answers my questions this time.

FRABCOIS! Don't tell me you don't know them... Please ask for me guys.

My neighbour insists to have an answer and I'm the main representative of Greece in the building...errr, I mean in Leicester...

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panosb, I searched at and found the first song :) :

"Είμαστε ακόμα εδώ" (Katsimiha brothers)

Here the link:


Of course I did not know this song by myself as I do not listen to the Katsimiha brothers. :)

:) And now I found also second one (searching with "Google"):

"Μουσικές ταξιαρχίες" (Tzimis Panousis):

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Ok, here is the story.

Once upon a time...a cold night...I was sitting in the sitting room with my neighbour (of course we were sitting, because if we were standing, the room's name would be "standing room") :) . We were talking about different types of music and I mentioned that I had some Greek CDs there.

He asked me to listen to some songs. We put the CD in the DVD player and kept listening to Dalaras.

Then he started saying "Mikroastoi etc" :)

I was confused! I knew that he didn't know Greek (except from some bad words, which were not taught to him by me) and I thought that an evil spirit has entered his body..!

I asked him if he knew what he was saying and he said "No"!

Terrified, I was sure that something was wrong with that guy.

Finally he told me that at the time he was a student, he had two Greek colleagues. In a certain occasion where the three were stoned (mastourwmenoi), they kept insisting that he had to learn those two verses by heart! He was obliged to learn them (alliws 8a xalouse to kefali pou eixe ftiaxei) but they never told him the meaning.

Being the only Greek in the building (and the only Greek who can get the sourse of the verses) I felt obliged to tell him what was it about.

And at last Michael found the song.

On behalf of my friend..and all the other (unknown to me) "victims" of the ignorance of Panousis's discography, I thank you.


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On behalf of my friend..and all the other (unknown to me) "victims" of the ignorance of Panousis's discography, I thank you.

It was not my knowledge too. I simply used "Google", typing two or three of the words you quoted. About Panousis I am even more ignorant than about the Katsimiha brothers. :) (I only know that his relationship with Dalaras isn't too good. :)) But the website where I found the lyrics seems to me very informative and useful: Full discography, lyrics and a lot of other information about Panousis. :)

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I discovered the lyrics of a traditional Greek song and I'd like to learn more about it.

Στη Νάουσα γλυκό κρασί

Στη Νάουσα γλυκό κρασί

ωχ αμάν γιαρίμ αμάν

στη Νάουσα γλυκό κρασί

ωχ αμάν καλέ σιμ αμάν

στη Βέροια μαυρομάτες καλέ

άιντε ντε, ντε βρε ντε

τράβα Αλέκο μα το μπερντέ

στη Βέροια μαυρομάτες καλέ

άιντε ντε, ντε βρε ντε

τρίκλωνε βασιλικέ

Στον έρημο τον Κόλινδρο

ωχ αμάν γιαρίμ αμάν

στον έρημο τον Κόλινδρο

ωχ αμάν καλέ σιμ αμάν

κοντούλες και γιομάτες καλέ

άιντε ντε, ντε βρε ντε

τράβα Αλέκο μα το μπερντέ

κοντούλες και γιομάτες καλέ

άιντε ντε, ντε βρε ντε

τρίκλωνε βασιλικέ

Εγώ κρασί δεν έπινα

ωχ αμάν γιαρίμ αμάν

Εγώ κρασί δεν έπινα

ωχ αμάν καλέ σιμ αμάν

Ρακί για να μεθύσω καλέ

άιντε ντε, ντε βρε ντε

τράβα Αλέκο μα το μπερντέ

Ρακί για να μεθύσω καλέ

άιντε ντε, ντε βρε ντε

τρίκλωνε βασιλικέ

Τώρα τα πίνω και τα δυο

ωχ αμάν γιαρίμ αμάν

Τώρα τα πίνω και τα δυο

ωχ αμάν καλέ σιμ αμάν

γιάν να σα αλησμονήσω καλέ

άιντε ντε, ντε βρε ντε

τράβα Αλέκο μα το μπερντέ

για να σα αλησμονήσω καλέ

άιντε ντε, ντε βρε ντε

τρίκλωνε βασιλικέ

Who sings this song?

Where can I find it?

Please help me...please :)

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