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Μερικές φορές δε μου βγάζει κάποιες σελίδες....Κάνω 2-3 reload και μόνο τότε... :)

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Ε,... φτιάξτο! Moderator είσαι! :) :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Έλαβα ένα email μέσω του forum, το οποίο με καλούσε να γίνουμε "φίλοι" και μου έλεγε οτι θα μου στείλει φωτογραφίες της και άλλα κουραφέξαλα, αρκεί να της απαντούσα στο email της! Το κείμενο ήταν στα Αγγλικά και ήταν προφανώς ένα phishing bot. Ενα πρόγραμμα δηλαδή που προσπαθεί να μαζέψει έγκυρα emails για διάφορους λόγους.

Θέλω να επιστήσω την προσοχή στα μέλη του forum για το παραπάνω θέμα. Αν λάβετε ποτέ κανένα τέτοιο email μέσω του forum, προφανώς να μην απαντήσετε το email και να το αναφέρετε κατευθείαν για να διαγραφεί το μέλος.


I received an email via the forum, in which the author asked me to be friends and that she will send me her photos etc. The only thing I had to do is to reply to her email. The text was in English and it was clearly a phishing bot. A kind of software that tries to learn email addresses for several reasons.

I want to bring this matter to your attention. If you ever receive such an email via the forum, please do not reply and report it here, so we can delete this member.

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Χθες έλαβα ένα τέτοιο mail...

φυσικά και δεν της έχω απαντήσει....


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Χθες έλαβα ένα τέτοιο mail...

φυσικά και δεν της έχω απαντήσει....


To ίδιο κι εγώ!

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Χθες έλαβα ένα τέτοιο mail...

φυσικά και δεν της έχω απαντήσει....


To ίδιο κι εγώ!

Παρομοίως!! :):)

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Το μέλος δεν ήταν ενεργοποιημένο έτσι κι αλλιώς...δε θα μας ξαναέρθει... :)

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I received an email via the forum, in which the author asked me to be friends and that she will send me her photos etc. The only thing I had to do is to reply to her email. The text was in English and it was clearly a phishing bot. A kind of software that tries to learn email addresses for several reasons.

I want to bring this matter to your attention. If you ever receive such an email via the forum, please do not reply and report it here, so we can delete this member.

I have a similar problem now!

It seems as if I'm sending a mail about a web-site to my friends whose emails are on my address book.

I don't know how this is happenning but the mail does not have anything to do with me.

And I haven't sent it!!! :(;):wow::wow::wow::mad::mad:

S Gursu

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If I understand correctly this problem has nothing to do with the forum, right?

If that's the case, then it's some kind of malware/virus that infected your mail client (for example outlook). Try to use an antivirus or adware removal tool.

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If I understand correctly this problem has nothing to do with the forum, right?

If that's the case, then it's some kind of malware/virus that infected your mail client (for example outlook). Try to use some kind of antivirus or adware removal tool.

Exactly, it has nothing to do with the forum.

But there are many members on my address book and I wanted to urge them as they may get such emails from me.

Thank you for the advice Apostolis. ;)

S Gursu

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Τι έγινε ρε παιδιά;

Κι εγώ πήρα αυτό το Mail από τον Sarper κι όταν του απάντησα, την πήρε αυτός την απάντηση και μου είπε ότι δεν έστειλε αυτός το mail.

Τι παίζει;

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I received from Sarper this email (on the distribution address same email was sent to Anna Dalaras and other persons close to Dalaras)

Dear friend,

How are you doing recently?

I am willing to give you a big surprise. I found a very good website:

This website sells phones,laptops,tvs,psp,digital cameras and motorbikes. They only sell new and original products and they have very good feedbacks. I bought a sony tv from the website and I got it without one week. The delivery speed is very fast. They can send products to most countries in the world. In addition, their prices are very competitive.

It will be a good choice for you if you need these products.


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DO NOT TRY IT AT HOME - as I tried it and got... :lol:

The error returned was:

We are treating that action as a possible hack attempt, this action will be logged and the board administrator will be informed via email

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DO NOT TRY IT AT HOME - as I tried it and got...    :lol:

The error returned was:

We are treating that action as a possible hack attempt, this action will be logged and the board administrator will be informed via email

Alona, I tried it again, AT WORK, and got this error message, this time...

"Hristaki, stop trying to hack into Alona's computer! All her Dalaras photographs are copyrighted!!" :D :lol: :)

Dear Hristaki,

I have no problem with you hacking my copyrighted photograph files,

I do however have problems with you hacking my copyrighted music files

The board administrator will shortly notify you of your severe punishment :razz::)

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Okay Ive been away a few days

and looks like there was nothing holly chaotic terror here


well maybe not that bad

although I too did receive an email from a now alias sarper

indicating to me buy some electronics.

Needless to say I wasn't interested as Im happy with the electronic goodies I have now


so i disregarded the messaga unbeknowst to me that it was a phising scam and identity theft so hopefully ill be okay,

however I do have another virus problems or spyware i guess on the puter and that is in no conjunction to sarpers problem/

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Μου έρχονται κάτι spam συνέχεια, μάλλον από μέλος που γράφτηκε για να κάνει αυτή την δουλειά.. Δεν τα ανοίγω φυσικά. Καταντά εκνευριστικό πια! :razz:

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