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About Dalaras's concerts...

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I'm writing this post because i'm hoping to get some information about Dalaras's upcoming concerts and i would be very happy if you could aid me in my lack of information...

And so...let me parents are willing to go to Greece(speaking frankly to Athens)at the end of January / beginning of February and they are really great fans of Greece music as a whole,and espacially about George's music...they would love to go to his concert(thats one of their main reasons to go the Greece soon)and in fact thats what i want to ask you??Are these concerts provided in the calendar true? And if they are where can my parents buy tickets ? Are they reachable :) sry for my english...i haven't been using it for 2 years :pity: .

Well i'm looking forward for your replies and thx a lot if you do so :D

Peter Kossecki,Poland :D

P.S Greece performance at Euro Cup was amazing :D congratulations ;)

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Hello Peter and welcome to Dalaras Community.

Dalaras is singing with the singer Antonis Remos at Athinon Arena. It's a huge place at Pireos 166 Street, Telephone: 2103471111.

You can buy tickets at this place. You can call them to find more information about the time the concert starts.

There are concerts every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and maybe on Wednesday. The concerts will last until end of March or early April.

You can find some reviews and more information about the concerts here :

Most of the posts however are in Greek. So, you can also find information in English in this topic :

Furthermore, there are some concerts at Megaro Mousikis at the end of March where Dalaras will sing Theodorakis songs.

I hope I helped you! :)

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Yeah you helped me in a very meaning of this word....thanks a lot I owe you one :) you know there are a lot of Polish people whom just love to listen to Greek music or their performance :D now I'm sure my parents will be in heaven's mood :D .

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