
"Eimaste Ellines"

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Odyseus 3 was interested in the lyrics of the song "Eimaste Ellines". It's on the record "Es gin enalian Kypron" with Dalaras. (Not to be confused with the record "Emeis oi Ellines" on which Dalaras also participates.) I hope that Nikolas  - who wrote that he does not like the song - will not be angry about my posting :). (Nikola, I can assure you, I do not like it too - for various reasons [which I surely will not mention now ;)].)


Music: Μιχάλης Χριστοδουλίδης

Poetry: Μιχάλης Πασιαρδής

Δεν είν η πρώτη σας φορά που μας πουλήσατε.

Το χετε ξανακάνει χρόνια πριν σ άλλους αιώνες,

όταν μας ξεπουλούσατε στους Πέρσες.

Κι όμως ζήσαμε. Κι αντέξαμε σκλαβιές και κούρσα,

τα φέραμε δεξά με την αναβροχιά και την ακρίδα.

Είμαστε Έλληνες. Δεν καρτερούμε τίποτα,

τώρα μας ρίξατε στους Τούρκους

το αίμα πότισε τη γη

κι αλυσοδέσανε βαριά τον Πενταδάκτυλο.

Είμαστε Έλληνες. Δεν καρτερούμε τίποτα,

απ την Αθήνα τίποτα. Είμαστε Έλληνες

Έλληνες του πικρού καιρού

και της απελπισίας.

Στην καρδιά του πελάγου

στο σταυρό του ορίζοντα

κραυγή κι οιμωγή η πατρίδα μου.

Αγρυπνούμε σ αυτή τη γωνιά, στ άκρο πέλαγο

στη μικρή μας πατρίδα επάνω.

Η φωνή μας - αιώνες παλιοί που δε χάθηκαν.

Τ όνειρό μας - αιώνες που θά ρθουν.

Αγρυπνούμε σ αυτή τη γωνία και μαχόμαστε.

Η ελπίδα ακονιέται στην πίστη.

(Edited by Michael at 1:39 am on Aug. 11, 2001)

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It is very easy, Anna: I simply listened to the song and wrote down its lyrics. :)

No - of course that is a joke!! I would understand almost nothing of the lyrics by listening. Once more I see that sometimes it is an advantage to have the grammophone record (vinyl) because it may contain information you cannot find on the CD release. In this case the lyrics of all songs is printed within the cover.

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Ευχαριστω πολυ Michael. This brings my lyrics on that CD at level: complete. Indeed having vinyl in your home is a great advantage sometimes. I had the same with Alexiou CD's that I still have.

You write as well that you don't like the song for a reason that you don't mention. Why not?

It is important for all other readers to know if the text is somewhat "polital incorrect" maybe or what is it. Or is it a matter of personal taste only, (as it very often is)

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I don't know how unprofessional could be this but I didn't put these lyrics because I just hate that song!

(I also have this album in LP, in fact most of my albums are in LP)

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Nikola, that means it was a sort of censorship that you did not present us the lyrics :). Are there still other songs of Dalaras you did not tell us about because you hate them? ;)

Concerning Odyseus' question: I neither like the musical structure of the song (with a lot of choir; with something like canon, with no clear melody etc.) nor the mentality and the way of thinking which is expressed by the lyrics. (You can call it a matter of "political correctness" as well as a matter of personal taste.)

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No there is no other song in this category. Only this. Didimotiho blues was a forgotten link in the lists only. When you have to do with 700 songs, it is normal that you will do such mistakes. So, there is no other song like Eimaste Ellines, unless I forgot another one like Didymoteixo blues.

I don't like Eimaste Ellines. I don't say it is completely worng (indeed Cyprus was forgotten by Greece in certain periods: Konstantinos Karamanlis, the prime minister who put Greece in EE in 1980, said once that "Cyprus is very very far...) but I don't like the message of this song, especially when it says "To exete kani paliotera kai me tous Perses" I become a bull! :upset:

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I agree with you Nikola!The lyricks makes you (and me bull). I also dislike some (3-4) song of Dalaras. That's normal in my opinion. It's an artist and as for any artist, there may be some songs you don't like. That may be the lyricks that you don't like, or the music or even Dalaras himself (you may don't like the way he sings that particular song).However, even if you like it, or you don't, you should publish it because someone else may like it.It's very unprofessionnal as you said. I suggest you publish them.But, that's my opinion. It's in your hands!Be well!

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Shame on you, Apostoli.

Nikola, the quality of your site is definitely professional (and then some) but since you do it for love (not money) don't let _anyone_ tell you what to do or not to do. Ever.

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Geeske, i was just kidding when i said to Nikola that he should be ashamed. Of curse Nikolas, should do what ever he desides. However, I just told him what I would have done if I were in his shoes.

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Thanks again for the lyrics. The Cypriots complain about the Greeks and the Turks are mentioned of course. Protest song as you may call it.

It made me think of November 25th, 1977 when I was in Athens in the neighbourhood of Panepistimiou where a hughe student demonstration took place. Similar sound as the choir in "Eimaste Ellines" except a lot more powerfull.

Despite it is offensive to some people the target of this site is to get any information on Dalaras there exists. If you get money for the job or not.

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