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Πριν το τέλος - Before the end

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We knew it as a Dalaras-Papakonstantinou duet

and then Marinella came and out-rocked the rocker.


Μουσική: Battisti - Mogol_____||_____ Music: Battisti-Mogol

Στίχοι: Λίνα Νικολακοπούλου_____||_____ Lyrics: Lina Nikolakopoulou

Στα τραγούδια που λέγαμε οι δυο μας οι φωνές χαμηλώσαν_____||_____ In the songs we used to sing together, the two of us, the voices would soften

χαραγμένη καρδιά στο παγκάκι που μετά την προδώσαν_____||_____ Into the little bench, a heart was scratched, which they later betrayed

μια φορά μου 'χες πει δεν μπορεί θα το νιώσανε κι άλλοι_____||_____ Once upon a time you had told me "it can't be - there must be others who feel it too

πριν το τέλος πως μοιάζει η σιωπή σαν αγάπη μεγάλη_____||_____ just before the end, how much the silence is like a great love"

Σιδερένια η σκάλα και μου 'λεγες θα μείνουμε λίγοι_____||_____ The stair was made of iron and you were telling me "only a few of us will remain"

πήρε η νύχτα να πέφτει βαθιά κι ο αέρας με πνίγει_____||_____ The night has started to fall heavily and the air is choking me

μια φορά μου 'χες πει δεν μπορεί θα το νιώσανε κι άλλοι_____||_____ Once upon a time you had told me "it can't be - there must be others who feel it too

πριν το τέλος πως μοιάζει η σιωπή σαν αγάπη μεγάλη_____||_____ just before the end, how much the silence is like a great love"

Κι εγώ που ζω για πάντα εδώ κι όλο φεύγω το τέλος πριν να δω_____||_____ And I, living here forever, always leaving before seeing the end,

κάθε νύχτα που περνάει γυρίζω ξανά σκοτάδι γίνομαι και παραδίνομαι_____||_____ as each night passes I come back again, I turn into darkness and am betrayed

στο ρυθμό σου που καίει ακόμα αυτό το σώμα που μένει χρόνια χωρίς σκιά_____||_____ into the rhythm of you, which keeps on consuming this body, years now without a shadow

κάθε νύχτα που περνάει σαν ταινία κι ό,τι ζήσαμε προβάλλεται με φόντο την πλατεία_____||_____ As each night passes like a movie all we lived is projected on the background of the square

Κάθε νύχτα που περνάει πάντα εδώ_____||_____ As each night passes, always here

Κι όλο φεύγω πριν μείνουμε μόνοι το τέλος μη δω_____||_____ and always leaving before we are left alone, so as not to see the end.

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A song is born as a human being. Often times, when we meet it first time, it's already lived a life: changed lyrics, lost some words, picked up a new orchestration, transformed by a new translation. You see at the moment only a slice of the life it has lived.

So, history might help to understand more - as with a person's history.

Here is a lost first strophe of the Greek translation:

Το τρενάκι γυρνούσε φωτισμένο και αχνό στον αέρα || A little train made its turn lighted and pale in the air

κάτω η θάλασσα μ' ένα καράβι το φεγγάρι πιο πέρα || Down there a ship in the sea, and the moon behind it

σε θυμάμαι συχνά που φορούσες ένα άσπρο φουστάνι || I often remember you wearing a white dress

μου κρατούσες το χέρι ότι ζούμε μου λες δεν μου φτάνει || You were holding my hand saying that No, we cant have a life together

And the Italian prototype by Lucio Battisti - although the Greek lyrics are not a translation, but I think the mood is close to that of the Italian (I don't know if Nikolopoulou has them in mind while creating her version) . The original poem is very beautiful in my opinion :razz:

GIARDINI DI MARZO (Πρωτότυπη ιταλική εκτέλεση)

Il carretto passava e quell'uomo gridava " gelati " || A cart was passing by, and that man was shouting: Ice-cream

al ventuno del mese i nostri soldi erano già finiti || At 21st of the month we had already been running out of money

io pensavo a mia madre e rivedevo i suoi vestiti || I was thinking about my mother and seeing her dresses again in my mind

il più bello era nero coi fiori non ancora appassiti || the nicest was the black one with flowers not yet faded

all'uscita di scuola i ragazzi vendevano i libri || At the school doors boys were selling their books

io restavo a guardarli cercando il coraggio per imitarli, || and I was standing by trying to find courage for doing the same

poi sconfitto tornavo a giocar con la mente e i suoi tarli || Then, resigned, I would return to my minds games and woodworms eating at it

e la sera al telefono tu mi chiedevi perché non parli. || And at night you would ask me: why you are not speaking?

che anno è, che giorno è || What year was it, what day

questo è il tempo di vivere con te, || This is the time I am living with you

le mie mani come vedi, non tremano più || My hand as you see dont tremble any more

e ho nell'anima in fondo all'anima || And I have in my soul, deep in my soul

cieli immensi e immenso amore || immmeasurable skies and immeasurable love

e poi ancora, ancora amore amor per te, || and again more and more love love for you

fiumi azzurri e colline e praterie || sky-blue rivers and hills and meadows

dove corrono dolcissime le mie malinconie || where my melancholies flow sweetly

l'universo trova spazio dentro me, || I feel the universe filling all of me

ma il coraggio di vivere, quello, ancora non c'e'. But the courage to live in it, no, I don't have it yet

i giardini di marzo si vestono di nuovi colori || Gardens of march are dressing up in new colors

e le giovani donne in quel mese, vivono nuovi amori || and young women this month are living through new loves

camminavi al mio fianco e ad un tratto dicesti || You were walking at my side and suddenly said

" tu muori! se mi aiuti, son certa || "Youd die! If youd help me I am sure Ill make it"

che io ne verrò fuori "

ma non una parola chiarì i miei pensieri || But not a single word cleared up my thoughts

continuai a camminare lasciandoti attrice di ieri. || I kept walking leaving you to act as a yesterdays actress

che anno è, che giorno è..... What year was it, what day

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I've been listening to Arvanitaki's version, these days - not Dalaras, but still excellent :razz:

μου κρατούσες το χέρι ότι ζούμε μου λες δεν μου φτάνει || You were holding my hand saying that No, we cant have a life together

if I may.........

μου κρατούσες το χέρι ότι ζούμε μου λες δεν μου φτάνει || You were holding my hand saying "just being alive is not enough for me"

or possibly, if ότι is a typo for ό,τι :

μου κρατούσες το χέρι ότι ζούμε μου λες δεν μου φτάνει || You were holding my hand saying that "that which we are living now is not enough for me"

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