s gursu

Λουκάς Νταράλας

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Does any member happen to know Loukas Dalaras,George Dalaras' father who is also a musician?I am waiting for your replies to be informed about him.

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You can read the biography, he is mentioned there. And his name was Daralas, not Dalaras

(Edited by soc at 6:13 pm on Sep. 28, 2001)

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Dalaras changed his name to be 'not' related to his father because of family problems. That's what a Greek friend of mine told me. She told me that his father left his family and that his mother had to run the family on her own. Who knows more ?


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Soc;the English version of this site is under construction,and my greek is not enough (yet:)) to understand,everything,written in Greek.I've seen that he's mentioned in the very first paragraph of the biography,but couldn't understand it completely.What is written there exactly?

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We discussed him, the father, a moth ago somewhere in another thread. I remember someone said he had been a miner in "Belgio" later on got sick. I could however hardly believe that a very good musician would leave Greece to go to Belgium and work in a mine.

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I heard that from a friend and wished it wasn't true.


I also heard his father has been in Belgium, but I did not know where in Belgium, doing what.

If he really worked in the mines, than it was tough. Really tough, many immigrants have been working here from most South-European countries. In my opinion, they have not always been treathed with the respect they deserve. But I'm gratefull for it, because it has brought the economy (in the area where I live and where the mines are) on level with the rest of Belgium (well, let's say almost). And brought a lot of other cultures here, which is so enriching and what I love so much.

Do you also happened to know where in Belgium his father stayed?


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To set the record straight. Dalaras and his father although they didn't get along in the beggining, they restored their relations before his father died. At least this is what I heard from the man himself. Today he shows a great deal of respect when he talks about him. And I know the song. But I will not tell. Waiting for somebody else to tell.

(Edited by soc at 11:34 pm on Sep. 29, 2001)

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You're making this woman crazy !!

Do I have to wait now till I get back? And I will leave don't worry, you'll all have a break for a week.


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Dear members,

About the father of Dalaras. Daralas left Greece after he left his family and went to Belgium to work in the mining industry in the neighboorhood of Liege. He worked there for about five years and then became sick cancer and returned to Greece at the middle sixties at that time he was great bouzouki player as well and he played with Kazantzidis a couple of songs.

This all I heard from an old man in Brussels which I met when we went to the concert of Dalaras.


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Now I saw the above post I remember it was Henk before as well who brought this point up.

Some more info on the father:

Born 1927 and died in Athens in 1977.

He made 2 albums:

In 1974-Enas Rempeths  571 & 571641 SONORA

In 1975-Egw kai to rempetiko 641 & 571641 SONORA

Those numbers seem to refer that both albums were put on ONE CD with nr 571641 but is my speculation.

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Thanks Sarper, (is this your first name?) , for the credit AND thanks as well for mentioning that site to us. It looks very good. Covers are the best info you can get. Singer, textwriter, music composer are listed most of the time.

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 finally it's my turn I can guess correctly.

 the song you are referring to is
  'Einai  Argia'

 It can be found on the Lp or Cd
  'Kalimera Kyria Lydia'

 and on the back cover of the jacket
 Dalaras says he sang this song in memory or dedication of his father.

  P.S.  Xristos Nikolopoulos plays a great Bouzouki Taximi in the beginning of the track.

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Dear sarantiis,

You can try trehantiri in London.

They have the largest collection in old Greek music in the world.

the website www.trehantiri.com



p.s. I will try in the netherlands

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I think nobody knows the right answer of your question.What about giving the name of that song,Dalaras's father wrote and sang?:)

S Gursu

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