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As we lately discuss about poems of Kavvadias and as we learnt most of them through music of Thanos Mikroutsikos, I want to mention this group. It is called Ξέμπαρκοι and they have put music to poems of Nikos Kavvadias as well. I have their songs. I think they come from Thessaloniki. Their music fits these poems so perfectly well. If anyone is interested, I can post one of them.

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This is one of theirs. It is Thessaloniki, but not the one that we know. This is Thessaloniki II. Taken from the collection 'Traverso' or of course, 'Τραβέρσο'. Their only one album has the title 'S/S IONION 1934'. You can buy it in online shops I suppose. I highly RECOMMEND this album. It will make you feel sea-fresh....

Download Thessaloniki2

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:D  :D  :music:  :music:  :music:  :music:

Nikola, I like your taste in music. VERY MUCH!!!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Is that soft flute they play a Greek instrument too? I love the sound it makes...)

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I am happy you liked it because this group is very well unknown and shouldn;t be. They have done only thid CD, back in 1986 I think. And here are the lyrics of this Thessaloniki, which was written on the 4th of January, 1974. Just think of it, about 27 years ago, there was a man on a ship in the middle of the ocean, writing the following:

Τράνταζε σαν από σεισμό συθέμελα ο Χορτιάτης

κι ακόντιζε μηνύματα με κόκκινη βαφή

γραφή από τρεις και μου 'γινες μοτάρι και καρφί

μα έριχνε η Τούμπα σε διπλό κρεβάτι τα χαρτιά της

Τη μάκινα για τον καπνό και το τσιγαροχάρτι

την έχασες, την ξέχασες, τη χάρισες αλλού

ήτανε τότε που έσπασε το μεσιανό κατάρτι

τα ψέματα του βουτηχτή, του ναύτη, του λωλού

Και τι δεν έχω υποσχεθεί και τι δεν έχω τάξει

μα τα σαράντα κύματα μου φταίνε και ξεχνώ

της Άγρας τα μακριά σαριά, του Σάντουν το μετάξι

και τα θυμάμαι μόλις δω αναθρώσκοντα καπνό

Το δαχτυλίδι που 'φερνα μου το 'κλεψε η Οράγια

τον παπαγάλο μάδησε κι έπαψε να μιλεί.

ας εκατέβαινε έστω μια στο βίρα, στα μουράγια

κι ας κοίταζε την άγκυρα μονάχα που καλεί

Τίποτα στα χεράκια μου μάνα μου δε φτουράει

έρωτας, μαλαματικά, ξόμπλια και φυλαχτά

σιχαίνομαι το ναυτικό που εμάζεψε λεφτά

εμούτζωσε τη θάλασσα και την εκατουράει

Της Σαλονίκης μοναχά της πρέπει το καράβι

να μην τολμήσεις να τη δεις ποτέ από τη στεριά

κι αν κάποια στην Καλαμαριά πουκάμισο μου ράβει

μπορεί να 'ρθω απ' τα πέλαγα με τη φυρονεριά

p.s: it orders: 'look at Thessaloniki only from the sea!'

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If you're lucky, the plane will fly in over the sea - won't that be some view... I my dream, I'm a stow-away in your hand-bag and come too...

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Well in fact it has two lines that you could refer to for this.

One is 'Της Σαλονίκης μοναχά της πρέπει το καράβι'

With this, I am afraid you have to close you eyes.

But then it says:

'να μην τολμήσεις να τη δεις ποτέ απ' τη στεριά' which says

'don't dare to look at Thessaloniki from the mainland.

The poet doesn;t say anything about a plane.

So, pick what comforts you...

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Geeske, that is because one of those days was 27 years after his death. Those who like him, in the radio, remember it. I am sure you know one example... :(

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Do you mean that man from Salonika who kept me up again till two this morning? He's got a lot to answer for :mad:

Indeed that is whom I meant. Three nights go, I was recording the whole program, special for Kavvadias, when a fire alarm interrupted the whole procedure...  :mad:

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Nikola I also have that album and it's great. As Dimitra Galani says, ksebarkoi sound like sailors singing in a ship!

My favourite songs from this album would be "Enas Dokimos sti gefira en ora kindinou" and "Oi gates ton fortigon"

I had bought this album 2 years ago and till now I thought I was the only one who had it  ;)

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They don't get played on the radio much, do they? Only once so far I've heard something I thought might be them... But maybe that was wishful thinking... it seemed to be about a guy who was slave for 20 years, or something of the kind - quite a long song - ring a bell?

No, I suppose not - it's all wishfull listening...

Never mind...

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Speaking of Kavvadias, who could tell me if Mariza Koch's record with poems by Kavvadias is still available in Greece?

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They don't get played on the radio much, do they? Only once so far I've heard something I thought might be them... But maybe that was wishful thinking... it seemed to be about a guy who was slave for 20 years, or something of the kind - quite a long song - ring a bell?

No, I suppose not - it's all wishfull listening...

Never mind...

Geeske, have you heard that in Radio Thessaloniki?

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Speaking of Kavvadias, who could tell me if Mariza Koch's record with poems by Kavvadias is still available in Greece?

it is still available francois, you can buy it online as well.  ;)

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Yes, it was on Radio Thessaloniki, one of the very first days I had it on... wait a sec... 14 jan (there's a note in my diary). Sometime in the early afternoon, to be precise.

It really got to me, that thing did - I don't know why... part of it was sort of half recited, it must be an existing poem by someone famous I guess...

oh  ;)  :)  :razz:  :blush:  :blush:

it SO FRUSTRATING to not understand what they all say!!!!

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Geeske, it is a traditional poet could ever be more wise than simple people. That one, named 'Sklavos', is a traditional song from where else, Thrace. The version you listened to has not been released, they have it in Radio Thessaloniki from a demo recording. Here are the lyrics, by heart. Well, I have also tried a very bad translation there. Especially in some parts, it becomes awful. Red words belong to the slave. There might be tiny differences to the version you listened to on the radio.

Έρχομαι απ' την Ανατολή με μια χρυσή φρεγάτα

I come from the East, with a golden ship

κι είχαμε σκλάβο όμορφο, στα σίδερα δεμένο

and there, was a beautiful slave, corded with chains

ο σκλάβος αναστέναξε και στάθηκε η φρεγάτα

the slave sighed, and the ship stopped

κι ο καπετάνιος φώναξε πο 'πάνου από την πλώρη:

and the captain shouted, from the head of the ship:

Ποιος βαριαναστέναξε και στάθηκε η φρεγάτα;

Who was the one who sighed, and the ship stopped

Εγώ είμαι κείνος που αναστέναξα και στάθηκε η φρεγάτα

It is me who sighed, and stopped the ship

Σκλάβε πεινάς σκλάβε διψάς σκλάβε ρούχα δεν έχεις;

Slave, are you hungry, are you thirsty, don't you have clothes?

Ούτε πεινώ ούτε διψώ ούτε ρούχα δεν έχω

I am neither hungry or thirsty, nor don't I have clothes

θυμήθηκα το σπίτι μου τη δόλια μου γυναίκα

I remembered my home, my poor wife

που 'χα τρεις μέρες νιόγαμπρος δώδεκα χρόνια σκλάβος

that I had three days married, and I have been 12 years a slave

Τραγούδα μας βρε σκλάβε μας κι εγώ θα σ' ελευθερώσω

Sing for us, our slave, and I will set you free

Πολλές φορές τραγούδησα μα λευτεριά δεν είδα

I have sung many times, but never saw freedom

Τραγούδα μας βρε σκάβε μου, κι εγώ θα σ' ελευθερώσω!

Sing for us, my slave, and I will set you free

Λύστε με τα χεράκια μου τα αλυσοκλειδωμένα

Ungird my little hands, my chained little hands

αν έχεις μάνα και παιδιά πασά ελευθέρωσέ με

if you have a mother and children, master, set me free

που 'χα τρεις μέρες νιόγαμπρος, δώδεκα χρόνια σκλάβος

that I had three days married, and I have been 12 years a slave  

Δώδεκα χρόνια έκανα στης Αραπιάς τα μέρη

Twelve years I spent, in Arapia's land

εννιά καρές εφύτεψα στης φυλακής τις πόρτες

nine people I buried next to the prison's doors

κι απ' τις εννιά καρπό έφαγα μα λευτεριά δεν είδα

and from all of them, I ate fruit but never saw freedom

αν έχεις μάνα και παιδιά πασά ελευθέρωσέ με

if you have a mother and children, master, set me free

Χαλάλι σου βρε σκλάβε μου χαλάλι η λευτεριά σου

You deserve it, slave, you deserve freedom

Χίλια φλουριά του δώσανε κι ένα άλογο μπαχτσίσι

The offered him 1000 gold coins and a horse, as a gift (μπαχτσίσι is a turkish word)

όσο να πούνε στο καλό παίρνει 40 μίλια

till they said good luck, he was 40 miles far

κι όσο να πούνε έχε γεια άλλα 45

and till they said good bye, he was another 45 further

Στο δρόμο που εδιάβαινε, βρίσκει ένα γέροντα

While going, he met an old man

από μακριά τον χαιρετά κι από κοντά του λέγει

he greets him from far, and speaks to him from close

δε μου λες βρε γέροντα ποιανού ειν' αυτό το αμπέλι

tell me old man, whose land is this?

Της ερημιάς της σκοτεινιάς του γιου μου του Γιαννάκη

it belongs to wilderness, to darkness and to my son, little Giannis

που είχε τρεις μέρες νιόγαμπρος δώδεκα χρόνια σκλάβος

who had three days married, and he has been 12 years a slave

και σήμερα τη γυναίκα του με άλλον την παντρεύουν

and today they get his wife married to another man

Πες μου βρε γέροντα, προφταίνω στα στεφάνια;

Tell me old man, will I be in time fro the wedding?

Αν έχεις άλογο γοργό, στο σπίτι θα προλάβεις

if your horse is fast, you will be in time in the house

μα αν έχεις άλογο αργό στην εκκλησιά θα φτάσεις

but if your horse is slow, you will only get to the church

Δίνει βιτσιά στο άλογο κι ανέμοι τον επαίρνουν

He gives a lash to the horse, and the winds take him

μα είχε άλογο γοργό στο σπίτι προλαβαίνει

but his horse was fast, he was at the house in time

Ο ξένος κοντοστάθηκε έξω απ' το ντουβάρι

The stranger stood next to the wall

κι ο ξένος αναστέναξε και αμέσως τους ελέγει

and he sighed and immediately spoke to them

ανάθεμα τα τέτοια σας, τον ξένο δεν κερνάτε

anathema to you, that you don't offer anything to the stranger

Η μάνα της νύφης σαν τον άκουσε

The mother of the bright, as she heard him

τη νύφη επρόσταξε να πάει να τον κεράσει

ordered the bright to offer him something

Eγώ είμαι ξένος μακρινός κι εγώ λεφτά δεν έχω

I am coming from very far, and I don't have money

θα σε δώσω το δαχτυλίδι μας της πρώτης αρραβώνας

I will give you our ring, of our first engagement

Η νύφη στα μάτια τον κοιτάει και πέφτει ο δίσκος κάτω

The bright looks at his eyes, and the salver drops down

γυρίζει και λέει στους καλεσμένους και σ' όλους τους γνωστούς

she turns to all visitors and to all the friends

Να φύγουν όλοι οι γνωστοί και όλοι οι καλεσμένοι

Let all the visitors, and all the friends go now

εμένα ήρθε ο καλός μου, η πρώτη μου αγάπη

my man has come back, my first love...

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Absolutely having nothing to do with Xemparkoi, of course. I have heard it, basically, from my grand-grandmother, and we have an LP where some Giorgos Nikoloudis sings it. Xemparkoi are great of course, but they didn't try traditional songs, as far as I know.

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:(  :blush:  :blush:  :)  :)  :music:  :music:  :music:

This is impossible!!!! Man, you leave me speechless. Honestly.

It IS the song I heard - how did you KNOW???


I don't know what it is about this weekend - I'm having one miracle after another... Very nice even if slightly spooky...

Btw I agree with you that lyrics by the immortal poet Anonymous tend to be the greatest of all.


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Intuition = the right choice, based on insufficient data.

it doesn't explain how Nikolas does it, but it labels it, at least, I guess...

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