
O Lefteris Papadopoulos gia ton Ntalara

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Ο Λευτέρης Παπαδόπουλος σε δύο πρόσφατα άρθρα του στα "Νέα" αναφέρεται (μεταξύ άλλων) και στον Νταλάρα - και τις δύο φορές με τα καλύτερα λόγια:

"Προσφυγιά" (25 Ιουνίου 2001):


"Η μαγεία του Θεοδωράκη"  (21 Ιουλίου 2001):


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O Proedros (Lefteris Papadopoulos), milaei manta me ta kalitera logia gia ton Giwrgo Dalara. Vevaia, o Dalaras, exei dikaia kerdisei afti tou tin ektimisi me ton tropo pou kserei na "apagelei" ta tragoudia tou. Kai tha prepei na mathei kai o latreftos mou Lefteris Papadopoulos, oti akoune oloi oi neanies, ta ilithia tragoudia tis epoxis tipou "Ipoferw ipoferw ipoferw ipoferw ipoferw ipoferw...kai paei legontas". Thelw na pw oti i pliopsifia twn newn mporei na akoune ta ilithia afta tragoudia, alla iparxei kai mia miopsifia (distixos) pou kserei na ektimaei tous kalous stixous kai tous kalous ermineftes. S'agapame Lefteri!

(Edited by Apostolis at 10:05 pm on Aug. 13, 2001)

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Αποστόλη, το "Πρόεδρος" είναι παρατσούκλι για το Λευτέρη Παπαδόπουλο; Και αν ναι: Για ποιο λόγο του το "κόλλησαν";  

Τον Παπαδόπουλο κι εγώ τον λατρεύω. Και γι αυτό η δεύτερη (λίγο αδιάκριτη) ερώτησή μου (αν το προτιμάς, στείλε μου απάντηση μέσω messenger): Μήπως τον γνωρίζεις προσωπικά; (Ο τρόπος που έγραψες μου δημιουργεί αυτή την εντύπωση.)

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Απαντώ εγώ πριν τον Αποστόλη. Δε γνωρίζω αν τον ξέρει προσωπικά, πιστεύω πως μιλά έτσι εξαιτίας του οικείου ύφους που απορρέει από τους στίχους του Λευτέρη Παπαδόπουλου.

Είναι πρόεδρος για τον εξής λόγο. Αρχές δεκαετίας 80 κυρίως, υπήρξε μια μεγάλη παρέα ανθρώπων της Τέχνης, τραγουδιστές, συνθέτες, στιχουργοί, ηθοποιοί κλπ. αλλά και πολιτικοί και λογοτέχνες, γνωστοί και μη εξαιρετέοι, του Νταλάρα συμπεριλαμβανόμενου (ήταν και η Αλεξίου αλλά και αρκετοί άλλοι) η οποία "μαζευόταν" μια φορά την εβδομάδα, έπινε το κρασάκι της και σχολίαζε την επικαιρότητα. Ο Λευτέρης θα λέγαμε ότι ήταν ο επικεφαλής. Όλη αυτή η ιστορία, όλοι αυτοί οι άνθρωποι ήταν ένα κόμμα. Έτσι έμειναν. Το κόμμα των "Λευτεριστών" και πρόεδρος αυτών ο Λευτέρης! Κάποιος πιο παλιός, Έλληνας, π.χ soc, θα ξέρει περισσότερα! Και σήμερα, πολλά μέλη εκείνου του κόμματος το λένε με περηφάνια σε συνεντεύξεις τους. "Ήμουν λευτεριστής!"

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Κατάλαβα, Νικόλα. Σ ευχαριστώ για την πληροφορία. Αρκετά γόνιμη για την καλλιτεχνική δραστηριότητα μου φαίνεται να ήταν η ύπαρξη αυτής της παρέας.

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Sostos o webmaster. The story about the party of "Lefteristes" is very accurate. Let me add to that that Leuteris Papadopoulos is not simply a poet. First and most of all he is a reporter. He used to be a member of one of the most succesful programs in Greece, called "Reporters". I believe it was the first show (in a state - owned TV) of undergroung journalism, in the sense that it revealed a lot of false and fake sides of greek society, politics, sports  etc. I want to add also, since Michael is interested that it is veyr impressive that he is one of the few people who never tried to suck up (I am talking about his relationship with Dalaras). Maybe that's why they are such good friends.

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I thought the reporters were Hardavelas, Lianis and Dimaras. Of course in those years I was too young to watch TV but I am sure that those were the reporters!

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Soc, thank you for switching this to English - as it seemed interesting I went and deciphered Nikolas' post - took me a whiiiiiiiiile but worth it :)

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Nikolas is right. The reporters were three but they were actually four. Papadopoulos was a regular on the show, usually having the last comment on the story they were presenting. In almost every show he would get in front of the camera to summarize and present his opinion. With that low, slow, heavy voice of his.

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Ok, soc, I told you that I was 3-4 by then! The first TV arrived at our home in 1985!

Anyway, what about Lefteris Papadopoulos' use of the language? (not in the songs but in life) Soc, I am sure you can comment this!

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Dictionnary three times in each line of that article, for me. If he hadn't been saying such VERY nice things about Dalaras, I would have given up :)

Go on Soc, tell us more about him.

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First of all, he has an amazing voice when he talks. I used to listen to a radio show in the 80s (when there were only a couple of radio stations in Greece), where he used to invite young poets, or peolple who were writing lyrics and were not famous at all. A friend of my family was such a person and she went on his show. What she couldn't forget was that she was asking him, before they went on the air,  to have a prep talk, but he replied to her: You 'll be fine, don't worry about it. And if not, I 'll take care of it"

In an interview some years ago, he said that before the LP "Mi milas kindineuei i Ellas" was made, George went to him and asked his permission to change the lyrics of the song "To pes" (this is a song that you HAVE to see George performing live. Words cannot describe it).

Anyway, the president, of course, got mad. He refused to do so, George as a good boy listened to him and didn't change the lyrics and of course the song became a huge hit (I just remembered the video clip of this song, really funny, most people didn't like it but I loved it. You should see Dalaras barefoot going after his love and fighting for her with his competitor. All that in a 18th century (I believe) setting in Spain).

His way of talking and expreesing views is amazing. He is very articulate, takes his time, speaks very slowly but you can see in your eyes that he is about to explode any moment. Despite that though, he remains calm. He would remind you to most of you of your father when you did something you were not supposed to do. His views also are admirable. Politics, music, sports (he is a declared fan of AEK athens. I remember when my home team became champion of Greece in soccer in 1988 and it was threatened to have the trophy taken away because of bureaucracy, he was the first one to go on national TV and oppose that, along woth the other "reporters". That was very impressive because the team that would benefit was his own team)

I think you get the idea, and it's easy to understand why George loves him so much and why Papadopoulos considers Dalaras a member of his family as he has said in more than one occasions.

Oh, and for those who don't know, I should say that he is probably the most consistent lyrics writer in greek music.

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Soc, how interesting to read all this about this important man. Thank you!

For Geeske (and others who are interested in learning more about Lefteris Papadopoulos) I will add some basic details:

He was born in 1935 in Athens, he studied law and since the end of the 50ies he writes for the big daily newspaper "Ta Nea" (and he still continues to do so: every second or third day a column with the title "Maties" [o.k. not just now as until September he makes holidays]).

Moreover, in 1963 he started to write lyrics for songs (and already with his first two songs he became famous: "Aponi zoi" and "Ftohologia" ). Altogether he has written the lyrics for about 1000 songs; many of Dalaras' greatest hits have lyrics written by Lefteris Papadopoulos. Unfortunately the last years there were published no more songs by Papadopoulos.

He has also written plays for theatre and a number of books.

Fortunately exists a book which contains the lyrics of a great number of his songs (you can find there about 600 - of course all in Greek):

Lefteris Papadopoulos: Ta tragoudia mou

(published by "Kaktos", 1996)

(From this book I also took a part of the information mentioned above.)

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Hey, GREAT! Thank you!

I'll never forget who he is now. Either in music or newspapers ;) People like that are the antibodies in a democracy's immune system - but then to be a great poet as well!!

And you know what? For once - just once... YES I did see To Pes live! I've been to all of two Dalaras concerts, one last May and the other back in '91 and then he did do To Pes of course... And... Oh you're right, words are inadequate.

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OUAOU!!!!Two days away from the forum and I see 11 new posts!!!Michael, Nikolas has talked very correctly. I'm talking about Lefteri Papadopoulo in a way as I know him.In fact I know him (a lilte...:) ) within his lyrics.His magical lyrics.Personaly, I love Lefteri Papadopoulo.As far as "proedros" is conserned, Nikolas told you everything. Dalaras was one of the "Lefteristes"!!I want to be one of them. But I can't.The more I can is to read his articles in "Ta Nea" and I've just finished reading his new book "Zw apo periergeia".Poli kalos dimosiografos o Lefteris.Michael, I don't know personally mr.Lefteri Papadopoulo. I wish I meet him someday. :)

(Edited by Apostolis at 12:18 am on Aug. 17, 2001)

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This book is on my list for the next purchases of Greek literature. I have already "Oi palioi symmathites mou" but up to now I did not start to read it. Like you, Apostoli, I read his articles in "Ta Nea" (thanks to Internet :)). To my mind Lefteris Papadopoulos always writes in a very clear and direct way and so his articles are understandable very well for me although Greek is not my native language.

PS: Αποστόλη, το CD για σένα είναι "υπό κατασκευή" πια.

(Edited by Michael at 2:50 am on Aug. 17, 2001)

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Just go on and read "Οι παλιοί μου συμμαθητές" because it is a very interesting book. It gives a view of another Greece.

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I surely will do so, Nikola. But I still want to keep something written by L. Papadopoulos for the future. Γι αυτό μέχρι στιγμής ανέβαλα την ανάγνωση αυτού του βιβλίου. (Πολύ πιο εύκολο είναι το γράψιμο στα ελληνικά. Δε θα ήξερα αυτή τη στιγμή τις αγγλικές λέξεις για "αναβάλλω" και "ανάγνωση". ;))  

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