
Περιοδικό ELLE

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Συνέντευξη παραχώρησε ο Γιώργος Νταλάρας στο μηνιαίο περιοδικό μόδας ELLE!

Η μόνη φωτογραφία που πιάνει μόνη της σελίδα είναι η παρακάτω:


Η συνέντεξη είναι οι τέσσερις σελίδες που ακολουθούν:





Κατά την ταπεινή μου άποψη είναι μια καταπληκτική συνέντευξη και οπωσδήποτε καλύτερη από την αντίστοιχη στις 'Εικόνες'! Μιλάει έξω από τα δόντια και αυτό μου αρέσει.. :):wow::wow:

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Let me put here also, the english translation of George Dalaras' interview in ELLE magazine. I need to ask for your understanding in case of mistakes. :)

ELLE - George Dalaras

I am not the man of the night clubs

George Dalaras has returned, being the great singer we all love, with one of his best albums in his career. He sings Mediterranean and talks his way: making no secrets. The album Mediterranean, released a month ago, has already been platinum. George Dalaras σκάλισε Mediterranean' songs, brought musicians from every place of the Mediterranean, he invited significant artists, such as Dulce Pontes from Portugal and Eddie Napoli from Italy. He managed to achieve - as he always does - what nobody else can. Great artists, like Marinella (in ELLE magazine a month ago) and Haris Alexiou (in ELLE magazine a year ago) have made clear that "George has alone offered to music as much as all other artists together have".

However, an artist with such a career, is always under attack . This may happens because he has never been satisfied with his glory. And the most important: he never talks in smooth words, but always in sharp words. In this interview he releases three bombs. He acknowledges that his contribution with Antonis Remos was a mistake. He states that he puts on his retirement from singing. And he changes record company for the first time after 38 years. George Dalaras, although he could be the king of music, he is having a good time via the "bomber" role.

ELLE: What is Mediterranean?

G.D.: For all of us who were born here, it is our first journey. Songs included in this CD, do not only hold music from the sea, but also from all places arround. So, we reach Krimaia, Syria and Sahara. All these places are our musical worlds.

ELLE: How did you manage to gather so many mucisians in Greece, from all over Mediterranean?

G.D.: I could bring many more, but you see we do not have a management office. Me and Anna (Dalara) work by ourselves, in order to have a personal contact with other artists.

ELLE: After 38 years of singing, do you feel like standing on a pedestal?

G.D.: I have never wished such a thing! I just wish to work the way I feel. In my opinion, we should be in a place we deserve and not on a pedestal made by sponsors, managers and tv stations, who keep on depreciating Greek people on a daily basis. In our country, nowadays, we are used to eat a television soup and we love doing so.

ELLE: Greek people's misery makes you sad?

G.D.: I feel sorry that although I have lived a full life, I live in a time most of us choose to loaf in front of the tv. Greeks seat on their couch in front of the television, used to insult television people as they watch them on tv. At the same time, they look forward to an autograph when they meet the same people in the street. I am afraid, they will soon ask the district attorneys for an autograph!


ELLE: Everything is tv's fault?

G.D.: No, it is not tv's fault. However, who are the people handling the tv the way they should, these days? Kouloglou, Papahelas, Tsimas, Teloglou, a few more and that's it. The great majority of television people is stucked with AGB. Into this huge mess, Anita Pania is the most honest one. She does a show, having fun with herself, with her guests, with the audience and does not afraid to admit that in public. All others make fun of us. In a tv program you could watch one week the prime minister being a guest and people like those who participate in Pania's show, the other. I really wish Makis Triantafyllopoulos makes a research concerning the way several tv stations are in operation for years, without a legal license.

ELLE: I can see you trust him. Makis Triantafyllopoulos is not part of the system?

G.D.: I watch him often and I he does not give me such an impression. He is outspoken, something that people appreciate. Most of his broadcasts are well-aimed. We may disagree with his methods. However, this is the way television works. At least, he is a reporter.

ELLE: Has Korkolis case been well-aimed?

G.D.: No, it has not. Korkolis case was unfair and inconsiderate. It seems to me like someone had trapped him.

ELLE: Lakis Lazopoulos satirizes you on a weekly basis, via his tv show? How do you react to this fact?

G.D.: From the moment I realized who I am, I was determined for tho things: to sing and expose myself. Whoever feels like hitting me is free to do so.

ELLE: Why do you think you are often under attack, despite your great offer in music?

G.D.: I do not know. I may be the cause of this. I do not sufficiently take care of Dalaras. I choose to get along with Giorgos. Some people may not handle the fact that I have come to this point, without being envious of anyone in my life. I did not look other artists in a competitive way. Therefore, we have an anti-Dalaras anger for many years until our days.

ELLE: How do you feel about the fact that a female singer of your days, Anna Vissi, is going to represent our country in this year's eurovision song contest?

G.D.: Anna Vissi in Eurovision? Excellent decision!


ELLE: Many remarks have been said and written concerning your collaboration with Antonis Remos. Now that a year has passed, how do you feel about this contribution?

G.D.: It was a mistake. It was not an artisticly creative contribution and I feel completely responsible, because it was my suggestion. My contributions always leave a mark behind, a fact that did not happen in this case. This fact has nothing to do with Remos, who is a good young man and a good friend.

ELLE: Antonis Remos stated that you did not take him seriously and this is why this contribution turned into an artistic failure.

G.D.: No, that is not truth. Antonis is the best singer in this music style. I took him as seriously as this specific place allowed me to.

ELLE: Are those who claim you did not participated by heart, right?

G.D.: It is so. I was thrilled, in the beggining, since it was something new. Soon, I realized things were not exactly this way, but I did not wish to break my word. I do not feel like playing the game a lot of famous people play by gathering the audience in night clubs just to "have fun". Arena interests me as a musical place, but if I go there once more, it is going to be my way. Without the fear to lose the front tables' people.

ELLE: Has Arena's audience socked you?

G.D.: I was familiar with this kind of audience by the time I used to work at night clubs, 30 years ago. Still, I could not accept this audience's transformation into a "social tyrant". Arena was a great experience for me. Watching my career as a singer coming to an end, I have chosen to participate in an experiment and have learned a lot. I was delighted to confirm who are the people who belong to my audience and how right my decision to early back out of the night clubs was.

ELLE: Please, tell us an Arena event, describing your experience from this musical scene

G.D.: And old friend from the army came once. "Bravo Giorgo, this is the way we like you, close to us" he said. "You mean all those years with all those concerts, I have not been close to you?", I asked. "In the court, I watch you from far away. Here, I can touch you, I have drunk a few drinks and I am cool" he replied. So, it is better to lose an admirer. I am not the artist for him. Night club's stage is not for me, it is for "night club stage" men.

ELLE: The album "The songs I write for you" was released to support this collaboration?

G.D.: Under this experiment accompanied with record company's blessing, I decided to do more simple songs. I told them that this album is not going to sell more than 50,000 cds and I was confirmed. Now, I am certain that my audience does not wish to watch me perform love songs. There are other artists who have a pashion to perform such songs, which I do not. I am also responsible, because I have not supported the album, as I should. There were lyrics I did not like in the beggining and this cannot change. I am not a professional, I have also mentioned that before. Besides, concerning this albub, I have to remind you that I was the first one to speak the truth. I went to the press conference for the album's official presentation and my first words were: "Good morning. Discounts' season has started"!

ELLE: Do you confirm the information that you leaving MINOS, after 38 years?

G.D.: I am a person who changes things in his life often. However, MINOS will always be my home, since all my songs so far are in there.


ELLE: You said your career comes to an end. You mean, that you are going to retire sometime?

G.D.: Are you kidding? You think I will be 80 years old and still sing in concerts?

ELLE: Can you think of your life without singing?

G.D.: But, when I stop giving concerts, I am going to enjoy singing more! Do you know how beautifully I sing at home? How beautiful eastern love songs (amanedes) come out of my boat, when I go fishing? This is where true music exists. I haven't loved music for its lights and I haven't been born to be famous. I am a wild animal, who always thinks the world can change through joint actions.

ELLE: Are you left in politics?

G.D.: I have always been "left". In our days, that means not to put up with modern times' confusion. We hear conscience's voice coming from the left, carrying a breeze of romantic people's battles. This is why such an ideology cannot be restricted into parties. It is a feature of people from all political parties.

ELLE: Politics suits you. Have you ever thought about being involved in politics?

G.D.: I could be a politician, because I am tough, insistent and I love the society and the world. I am going to tell you something that I have never told before. I have experienced such a dilemma a few years ago. You know, to be involved in politics, you should "marry" politics. I could not get a divorce from music for politics. Of course, what I call politics is not rooster-battles of ministers in tv windows.

ELLE: Even a "wild animal" as you say, how did you manage to be married to the same woman all those years?

G.D.: This is something that cannot be explained in words. I should be a poet to express the power and glory of my feelings. It has to do with our nature and our thoughts' sources. It is love.

ELLE: And your daughter Georgianna, what is she to you?

G.D.: Georgianna is moderation. It is impressive how a girl only 17 years old can take me back in moderation. The golden rule for me.

ELLE: Where is your favorite place in Mediterranean?

G.D.:We love our places, as a result of and need. For me, the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean are Andalousia, Sicely, Cyclades, Crete, Constantinoupolis, Alexandria and Akamas in Cyprus

ELLE: Are you going to continue with Mediterranean?

G.D.: Definitely. The next edition will contain a lot of Spain and North Africa. You cannot easily finish up with Mediterranean. A lifetime is not enough.

As a note, we read the following:

My musical family

My "fathers", Kougioumtzis, Kaldaras and Loizos have passed away ... Everyone that I have contributed with is a relative of mine. Marinella has treated me as a mother and Alexiou as a sister in music. Such relationships cannot break in any way. I cannot be separated from Haroula, even if we do have sometime to contribute or see each other. Haris and Panos Katsimihas are my "brothers", although I am their "uncle". And Christos Nikolopoulos is a "brother" of mine. My closer and almost "daily" relationshipall those years is the one with Lefteris Papadopoulos. For him, I would even sacrifice the best songs he writes. If I had not perfromed his songs, I would have missed 100 great songs. But if I hadn't got this relationship, I would have missed a great person. He is like a father and brother to me. He has been my protector, even when I thought I did not have to use one. He has always been there. And of course, we all have Mikis among us.

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Πραγματικά καλή συνέντευξη.Απλή ,λιτή και έυστοχή.

HARDET μπράβο και συχαρητήρια για το κουράγιο σου να μεταφράσεις το κείμενο στα αγγλκά.

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Πάρα πολύ καλή συνέντευξη. Δίνει άμεσες απαντήσεις σε σημαντικά ζητήματα χωρίς να φοβάται το κόστος.

Επίσης θεωρώ πολύ σπουδαίο ένας άνθρωπος του κύρους και της φήμης του Νταλάρα να βγαίνει ευθέως και να λέει "έκανα λάθος" όσον αφορά το live με τον Ρέμο αλλά και τον τελευταίο δίσκο.

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Έχει πέσει στα χέρια μου ένα δεύτερο αντίτυπο της συνέντευξης, λίγο προχειρα και βιαστικά κομμένο βέβαια.

Όποιος φίλος το θέλει ας επικοινωνήσει μαζί μου να του το κρατήσω ή να του το στείλω.

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Έχει πέσει στα χέρια μου ένα δεύτερο αντίτυπο της συνέντευξης, λίγο προχειρα και βιαστικά κομμένο βέβαια.

Όποιος φίλος το θέλει ας επικοινωνήσει μαζί μου να του το κρατήσω ή να του το στείλω.

Παρομοίως... Με τη διαφορά ότι είναι καλά κομμένες οι σελίδες.

Αν κάποιος θέλει, ας επικοινωνήσει μαζί μου... :D

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