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Lil - μόνο λόγια

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For Alona!

thanks for asking for the translation and making me listen to the song again :)

And I take back what I said about the lyrics being reasonably easy - they are entirely worthy of mr. Tripolitis...!

You'll notice I used 2 different words for "eleos": "pity" and "mercy". The Greek means both at the same time, but in English they come separately. Also in the couplet I translated the verbs as "drawing", "calling" to avoid the need for a subject: in english one has to put in the pronoun explicitely (he, she, it), but in Greek it's contained in the verb so you don't have to specify whether it's a man, woman or thing that draws (or "squeezes") blood from the kiss and calls out the darkness.

LIL (ΜΟΝΟ ΛΟΓΙΑ)_____||_____ Lil (only words)

Μουσική: Παραδοσιακό, _____||_____ Music: traditional

απόδοση: Γιώργος Νταλάρας_____||_____ arranged by: Giorgos Dalaras

Στίχοι: Κώστας Τριπολίτης_____||_____ Lyrics: Kostas Tripolitis

Lil lil lil_____||_____ Lil lil lil

lil lil lil_____||_____ lil lil lil

Εεεεεεεεεεε_____||_____ eeeeeeeeeee

Έλεος κανένα_____||_____ Pity - none

έλεος δεν έχει_____||_____ pity - there is none

κανένα έλεος_____||_____ no pity at all

Βγάζει αίμα απ' το φιλί_____||_____ Drawing blood from the kiss

το σκοτάδι προκαλεί_____||_____ calling out the darkness

συλλαβίζει ξαν' ατονεί_____||_____ syllable by syllable - fading again

το σκοτάδι το προκαλεί_____||_____ calling out the darkness

Ωωωωωωωωω_____||_____ Oooooooo

Έλεος_____||_____ Mercy

δεν υπάρχει έλεος_____||_____ there is no mercy

έλεος_____||_____ mercy

δεν υπάρχει έλεος_____||_____ there is no mercy

μόνο λόγια μόνο λόγια_____||_____ only words only words

ωωωωωωωωωωωωωω_____||_____ oooooooooooooooooo

Βγάζει αίμα απ' το φιλί_____||_____ Drawing blood from the kiss

το σκοτάδι προκαλεί_____||_____ calling out the darkness

συλλαβίζει ξαν' ατονεί_____||_____ syllable by syllable - fading again

το σκοτάδι το προκαλεί_____||_____ calling out the darkness

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Many thanks to you Geeske for taking up the translation.

I was struck by this song initially because of the music, the beat,

the rythem, orchestration, the "fonies", but most of all, by the exceptional

interpretation by Dalaras. I could swear it was Andalucian, gypsy Flamenco if you will.

In seach for more information on Tripolities I read in Theodorakis' site, that his work on "Passenger" was "prophetic" and at times "apocaliptic"...

Time to undust Rantar...

Thanks again.

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Alona that's right, it IS a gypsy melody.

On the record («Live at Attikon») there are 2 of them in a row, «Dui-dui» first (a song by Vasilis Paiteris, who is a Roma Gypsy and has made some incredible songs) and then «Lil».

I have a suspicion that Dalaras found the tune somewhere and asked Tripolitis to put lyrics to it, because in the credits on the record sleeve, the first line of Dalaras' "special thanks to...." is to Antonis Andrikakis and Kostas Tripolitis. And the Andrikakis song is "sto idio ergo theates", Dalaras wrote the music himself, is the "greeting the audience" song of the show. So it would be logical that "Lil" is "made to order" as well.

And about Tripolitis:

after «Radar», get out «Sygnomi gia tin amina» as well.

My copies of these records never got time to get dusty :)

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