
Pote mhn klais/ Never cry

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Ποτέ μην κλαις για κάτι που περνά.

Aν τα λουλούδια πεθαίνουν το άρωμα μένει.

Ποτέ μην κλαις για αγάπη που δε ζει.

Η θύμησή της βαθιά στην καρδιά πάντα ζει.

Ποτέ μην κλαις για κάτι που περνά.

Μες στην ψυχή μας οι λύπες ανάμνηση μένουν.

Ποτέ μην κλαις μια αγάπη σου παλιά.

Πάντα χαρές σε κερνούν τα χαμένα φιλιά.

Ποτέ μην κλαις...


Never cry for something that passes.

If the flowers die, the scent remains.

Never cry for a love that no longer lives.

Its memory will always live deep in the heart.

Νever cry for something that passes.

In our soul, sorrows remain as memories.

Never cry for an old love.

Always lost kisses offer you joy.

Never cry...

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To hear is to obey :wow:

Thank you for the lovely song.

I know it, have know it for years without knowing what it means - I can sing it as I read the words! But it's been a loooong time since I heard it, it must be on one of my fragile old tapes... so, I will have to play them till I find it. Poor me :)

Please don't tell me, anyone :D

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Hallo, Geeske and all of you,

just tell me, how to get this recording, please! Here in my lovely Cracow I do have not a single chance, and this is the text I would now sing with the whole power of my voice, if I knew only the music...

Geeske, lipamai poli, today I can't  get  into my Messenger, I must have forgotten my own password! So, in the next days, OK?


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