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Dusseldorf (Ντύσσελντορφ) 06/05/2007

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Το μόνο που έχω να γράψω προς το παρόν, είναι πως χθες ήταν μια ακόμα μεγάλη βραδιά.Τόσο ο Νταλάρας όσο και το κοινό ήταν σε μεγάλα κέφια.

Θα επανέλθω σύντομα με περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες τόσο για το πρόγραμμα, το οποίο αν και δεν είχε κάποιο rare song, ήταν υπέροχο, όσο και για το ενθουσιώδες κοινό του Ντύσελντορφ.

To πρόγραμμα, μετά από ένα ορχηστρικό ποτ-πουρί,ξεκίνησε με το "Ο ουρανός φεύγει βαρύς και τελείωσε με το "Γιορτή ζειμπέκηδων"

Προσωπικά και επειδή αυτή ήταν η πρώτη εκτός Ελλάδος συναυλία που έχω παρακολουθήσει, έζησα μερικές από τις πιο αξέχαστες στιγμές της ζωής μου...


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Προσωπικά και επειδή αυτή ήταν η πρώτη εκτός Ελλάδος συναυλία που έχω παρακολουθήσει, έζησα μερικές από τις πιο αξέχαστες στιγμές της ζωής μου... :mad::mad::mad:

Μα καλά? Και στην Γερμανία έφτασε η χάρη σου? Πως πήγες στην Γερμανία? Διακτινήστηκες? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Πολλά μπράβο πάντως!!! Χαίρομαι πολύ που περάσατε καλά!! Περιμένουμε περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες!! :):mad::naughty:

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Γεια και χαρά σου, διακτινισμένε Θάνο! :):mad: Καλή συνέχεια! Καλές συναυλίες!

Και ... συνέχισε να τον βασανίζεις! :mad:

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Και ... συνέχισε να τον βασανίζεις! :)

ποιος βασανίζει ποιόν όμως ; :mad:

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Και ... συνέχισε να τον βασανίζεις! :)

ποιος βασανίζει ποιόν όμως ; :mad:


Καλη ερωτηση!! :lol:

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Καλώς τα (διακτινισμένα) παιδιά!

Καλά να περνάτε! :)

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I am a little bit late :mad: but I had to say how fantastic the Dusseldorf concert was. The enthusiasm of the audience was absolutely marvellous - clearly they have been "Dalaras deprived" for a few years and it showed by the reception they gave him.

I won't go into detail - others have done so for this and the following concerts - except to say that the first half was very lively, and was brought to an end with a standing ovation for Tsouganakis who once again was mesmerising. He is a truly wonderful performer :mad:

And the second half was one long party - everyone singing at the tops of their voices, dancing, cheering.... it was a wonderful night indeed and I was so glad to have been there.

Once again, meeting up with the "Dalaras Community" is the icing on the cake. Another meeting of old friends and new, who had all travelled from various parts of Europe. It is always a pleasure!

It was particularly nice to meet Margot - a new member. Margot this must surely be the start of a new adventure for you! You see one concert, you want more (and more....)

I am sorry I missed Amsterdam - it sounded as good as Dusseldorf. I'm sure Brussels will be equally as exciting, but I will miss that too :mad:

BUT - I will be in London on Sunday :D:wow::wow::wow: and I can't wait :mad:

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I am a little bit late :naughty: but I had to say how fantastic the Dusseldorf concert was. The enthusiasm of the audience was absolutely marvellous - clearly they have been "Dalaras deprived" for a few years and it showed by the reception they gave him.

I won't go into detail - others have done so for this and the following concerts - except to say that the first half was very lively, and was brought to an end with a standing ovation for Tsouganakis who once again was mesmerising. He is a truly wonderful performer :naughty:

And the second half was one long party - everyone singing at the tops of their voices, dancing, cheering.... it was a wonderful night indeed and I was so glad to have been there.

Once again, meeting up with the "Dalaras Community" is the icing on the cake. Another meeting of old friends and new, who had all travelled from various parts of Europe. It is always a pleasure!

It was particularly nice to meet Margot - a new member. Margot this must surely be the start of a new adventure for you! You see one concert, you want more (and more....)

I am sorry I missed Amsterdam - it sounded as good as Dusseldorf. I'm sure Brussels will be equally as exciting, but I will miss that too :naughty:

BUT - I will be in London on Sunday :wow::wow::wow::mad: and I can't wait :mad:

Hello Diane !!! :mad:

Thank you very much for your kind words in your post :D

I was very very happy to meet you, Chris and all the other members who went to Dusseldorf !

It was really a great concert and a big pleasure for me to see Dalaras live again after Frankfurt (the first one for me) !

Yes, it will be a new adventure for me. Until now there was no day without hearing to his music and watching videos and now it will be, I hope so, no year without going to one (or more) of his concerts !! :mad::naughty::mad:

.... and now I go to Paris on Friday (I too cannot wait !!!) :naughty:

Tha ta poume



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Το μόνο που έχω να γράψω προς το παρόν, είναι πως χθες ήταν μια ακόμα μεγάλη βραδιά.

Very true Thanassi. I think Dalaras was in a great mood in Dusseldorf already from the beginning and the second part was perfectly described by all of you here. One thing is for sure: the Greeks know how to party! :rolleyes:

And Diane, you are so right: Tsouganakis is indeed fantastic!

As for me, I was also very happy to meet again old members, Angelos, Irina, Micki, Margarita among others and meeting some for the first time: Thanassi, Agnie, Vivi, Franz, Geeske, Marina....

I also want to pay here my tribute to my friends Marijke, Diane and Chris. Being with you is always a joy and when it happens during a Dalaras concert it's just perfect. What more can I ask for?


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Το πλήρες πρόγραμμα της συναυλίας.

Μέρος 1ο


(συρραφή από Φραγκοσυριανή-Μάνα δε φυτέψαμε και Εμβατήριο


2)Ο ουρανός φεύγει βαρύς

3)Να με θυμάσαι

4)Is-oria mu


6)Έρημα χωριά

7)Φύλλο στο νερό

8)Το μήλο

9)Σαν το μετανάστη

10)Εl emigrante

Μελίνα Ασλανίδου


11)Το λάθος

12)Αχ Ελλάδα σ'αγαπώ

10)Το προαίσθημα (Πέρασε καιρός)

11)Καράβια στη στεριά

12)Μια βραδιά στο Λεβερκούζεν

13)Τα βεγγαλικά σου μάτια

14)Του έρωτα

Μιχάλης Τζουγανάκης

15)Ήτανε μια φορά


17)Πάλι πάλι


Μέρος 2ο

1)Adapar fusion (Ορχηστρικό)

2)To πεπρωμένο

3)Οι ελεύθεροι κι ωραίοι

4)Μένα παράπονο

5)Τι σούκανα και πίνεις

6)Στα χρόνια της υπομονής

7)Στην αλάνα

8)Πούναι τα χρόνια

9)Το ζειμπέκικο της Ευδοκίας (Ορχηστρικό)

10)Η μάγισσα της Αραπιάς

11)Μπαξέ τσιφλίκι

12)Τα ματόκλαδά σου λάμπουν βρε

13)’λλα μου λεν τα μάτια σου

14)Βρέχει στη φτωχογειτονιά

15)Τα μάτια παγαπώ

16)Φύγε κι άσε με

17)Οι θαλασσινοί

18)Καλή τύχη

19)Μη μου θυμώνεις μάτια μου

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the Philipshalle

the poster and the crowded entrance

I really tried, but it seemed to be impossible to get all 9 musicians on one photo

the welcome in Duesseldorf

and once again I have to say it was amazing to see and hear the greeting of the audience

Dasho Kourti

singing το μήλο!! In Budapest, unfortunately only there, he did the βγαίνω μέσα απ τη φωτιά

Melina Aslanidou and Vasilis Ketentzoglou

Andreas Papas

Andreas Karantinis, for those who dont know yet, hes the 18 year old son of Manolis Karantinis

Giorgos Papachristoudis

Giorgos Dalaras and Michalis Tzouganakis

In Frankfurt I neglected a bit Michalis Tzouganakis (I mean taking photos), so here some shots of his performance in Duesseldorf. Maybe those who never saw this guy on stage will get a little impression

with the beginning of the second part, the first ones came close to stage to take photos, have a look at this girl in white

I really hope she took her chance and got this look of Dalaras with her camera :D

some of my shots of him

the crowd in front got big and bigger

and to end, have a look at his face, see how he enjoyed the singing, dancing and clapping of the audience

once again the packing

and good bye to Philipshalle Duesseldorf

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Θα μπορούσε να έχει και σαν τίτλο: "Η έκπληξη του καλλιτέχνη"...
6 Μαΐου του 2007 στο Ντύσσελντορφ....
Κάποτε τα κάναμε κι αυτά...


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Ωραίες αναμνήσεις.

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