Συναυλία στην Κωνσταντινούπολη (26/06/2010)

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Κάνε υπομονή έχεις και άλλα να ακούσεις!

Leilim lei


Τα πρώτα λόγια του Χριστού


Σε αυτά τα δύο δεν έχω καθόλου εικόνα, μόνο ήχο. Έχουν κι άλλοι το ίδιο πρόβλημα? :D

Για όσους τυχόν δεν βλέπουν επίσης αυτά τα δύο βιντεάκια, ας δοκιμάσουν, αν θέλουν, τα παρακάτω links

Leilim lei


Τα πρώτα λόγια


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Eυχαριστουμε πολύ παιδιά!!!!

Πραγματικα ωραια τραγουδια!

Δυνατές και συνάμα μαγευτικες ερμηνειες

Ευχαριστούμε "θείε" !!! :D:razz::razz::razz:

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Κάνε υπομονή έχεις και άλλα να ακούσεις!

Leilim lei


Eγώ σ'αυτό και στο "Μοιρολόι" έχω εικόνα και δεν έχω ήχο.

Εκτός από τηλεδιάσκεψη για να προσθέσεις ήχο που δεν έχει στην εικόνα που έχεις :razz::razz::D:razz:

μπορείς να δοκιμάσεις τα παρακάτω

Leilim le




Ελπίζω αυτή τη φορά να πετύχει. Συγγνώμη για την ταλαιπωρία.

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Eντάξει, λύθηκε το πρόβλημα αλλιώς...

Ευχαριστώ πολύ....

Απλά είναι Και γ@μώ τις εκτελέσεις!!!!!! :D:razz::razz::razz::D

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Κάποιος το ξανάγραψε...αλλά είναι πραγματικά εντυπωσιακό πώς "πατάει" σε όλες τις λέξεις. Ειδικά το ρεφραίν! Τόσο ξεκάθαρα! Απίστευτος!!!

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Ο δημοσιογράφος παλαιάς -και αποδεδειγμένα καλής- κοπής Δημ.Γκιώνης αναφέρεται στην συναυλία του Γ.Νταλάρα στην Κωνσταντινούπολη (μέσα από την στήλη του στην ''Ελευθεροτυπία'', 'Έτσι κι αλλιώς'').


Στην Κωνσταντινούπολη Πολιτιστική Πρωτεύουσα της Ευρώπης -σε εξέλιξη- αναφερόμουνα το περασμένο Σάββατο.

Και να που το ίδιο βράδυ, σε μια σύντομη απόδραση, βρέθηκα να παρακολουθώ στο κατάμεστο, χωρητικότητας 5.000 θεατών ανοιχτό θέατρο Τζεμίλ Τοπουζλού, την πρώτη συναυλία του Γιώργου Νταλάρα στην Τουρκία. Μια συναυλία που ενθουσίασε και συγκίνησε (κυρίως τους ομογενείς που έχουν απομείνει), ώστε να μην τον αφήνουν να εγκαταλείψει τη σκηνή - επί τρεις ώρες, χωρίς διάλειμμα.


Ο Γιώργος Νταλάρας ήταν να δώσει, έπειτα από πολλούς ενδοιασμούς, την πρώτη του συναυλία στην Κωνσταντινούπολη πριν από δύο χρόνια. Το γεγονός όμως ότι ήταν έπειτα από πρόσκληση του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχη, και δεδομένης της γνωστής θέσης του στο Κυπριακό, προκάλεσε απειλές από την πλευρά των Γκρίζων Λύκων, με αποτέλεσμα να ματαιωθεί. Αυτή τη φορά η συναυλία ήταν έπειτα από πρόσκληση Τούρκων οργανωτών, στο πλαίσιο της Πολιτιστικής Πρωτεύουσας. Και η αναγγελία της προκάλεσε συναγερμό, με αποτέλεσμα τα εισιτήρια να εξαντληθούν ταχύτατα.

Η συναυλία άρχισε με το «Γι' αυτό υπάρχουνε οι φίλοι» και συνεχίστηκε με άλλα από το πλούσιο ρεπερτόριό του, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και μερικών από τη «Μικρά Ασία» (όπου και το «Εσύ Θεό, εγώ Αλλάχ, όμως οι δυο μας αχ και βαχ»). Και ο κόσμος να συμμετέχει σιγοτραγουδώντας, ενώ κάποιοι έριχναν τις στροφές τους. Μαζί, ο κρητικής καταγωγής Μιχάλης Τζουγανάκης (δεινός οργανοπαίχτης και τραγουδιστής σε κρητικά),

η κυπριακής καταγωγής Δέσποινα Ολυμπίου (εξαιρετική φωνή και εμφάνιση) και 12μελής ακαταπόνητη ορχήστρα. Αποκορύφωμα η έκτακτη συμμετοχή του πολλαπλώς γνωστού μας Ζουλφί Λιβανελί (στο δικό του «Λέιλεμ Λέι», στα ελληνικά και τα τουρκικά, που ξεσήκωσε το κοινό). Και, εκτός συναυλίας, συνεντεύξεις του Νταλάρα στα τουρκικά μέσα ενημέρωσης, με έμφαση στην ελληνοτουρκική φιλία και στη λύση του Κυπριακού. Παρών ο Τούρκος υπουργός Ευρωπαϊκών Υποθέσεων, με τον καλό του λόγο. Και ουρά για συγχαρητήρια και αυτόγραφο.

ΣΗΜ. Αν γινόταν και οι άλλες συναντήσεις να ήταν τόσο αποτελεσματικές όσο το τραγούδι και οι κοινές συμφορές (σεισμοί και καταποντισμοί)...

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Επιτέλους! Μπράβο στον Δημήτρη Γκιώνη, που όντως είναι από τους ελάχιστους καλούς δημοσιογράφους!

Κι αυτές από Κωνσταντινούπολη:



Από το προφίλ της Δέσποινας Ολυμπίου στο facebook, (upload: Roula Zn).

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Αποκορύφωμα η έκτακτη συμμετοχή του πολλαπλώς γνωστού μας Ζουλφί Λιβανελί (στο δικό του «Λέιλεμ Λέι», στα ελληνικά και τα τουρκικά, που ξεσήκωσε το κοινό).

Μια μικρή διόρθωση: με τον Λιβανελί είπαν το Σαν τον μετανάστη.

Ευχαριστούμε για τη μεταφορά του κειμένου που είναι όντως καλό!

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Στο πρόγραμμα να προστεθούν ακόμα 2 τραγούδια:

1. Την πόρτα ανοίγω το βράδυ (Μετά το ανεμολόγιο)

2. Τι να θυμηθώ τι να ξεχάσω (μετά απο το Δυο παλικάρια απ΄το Αϊβαλί)

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Ευχαριστούμε Αγνή! :music:

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Ευχαριστούμε,Αγνή και Χρύσα! :music:

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Ξανά πολλά πολλά ευχαριστούμε για τα βίντεο και τις φωτογραφίες!!!

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Γεια σας φίλοι, είμαι νέο μέλος, αλλά επισκέπτομαι το site χρόνια τώρα. Θέλω απλώς να σας αφήσω ενα σύνδεσμο από μια εφημερίδα της Σμύρνης, που απ' ό τι είδα δεν έχετε ακόμη. Σας ευχαριστώ για όλες τις πληροφορίες που μου δίνετε όλα αυτά τα χρόνια. Αρκετούς από σας σας ξέρω και από επισκέψεις στο youtube.

Το link:


Δυστυχώς μάλλον είναι κλειδωμένο και δεν μπόρεσα να το αντγράψω, όπως δεν μπόρεσα να αντιγράψω και τη μετάφραση της σελίδας από το Google.

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Ευχαριστούμε πολύ! ;)

Σχετικά την αντιγραφή, όντως δεν μπορείς να επιλέξεις το κείμενο και να κάνεις δεξί κλικ, αλλά βρήκα έναν τρόπο... Control+A (=Select All), Copy-Paste (με Control+C - Control+V) σε ένα έγγραφο Word όπου αφαιρείς ό,τι δεν χρειάζεται και να 'μαστε... :)

Στα αγγλικά λοιπόν (στα ελληνικά η μετάφραση είναι λίγο ελεεινή οπότε άσ'την καλύτερα... :))

Monday July 5, 2010

The world-renowned Greek music legend George Dalaras: My mother had to leave the City did not forget the day but did not explain the

On a hot summer of 2000 ...Rumelihisarι'ndaki single door to my house on the balcony with my very dear're being brewed. My girlfriend (that is with us) yielded discussed, and perhaps even among those we were leaving, I do not remember exactly. I suffered a real love. Pain in my heart that is aching today, I remember like it.My neighbors in a similar situation ...

While exchanging our glasses saying, "Israel Philharmonic Orchestra with George Dalaras'ιn save you listen to the cd?" "Yooo ..." I say. "That is not the man he was known as the Turkish enemy? Hani and Cyprus, the Kurdish issue hit us in the place where ..." "What did you do. ... If you say I like this guy is anti-war humanist. That is protesting the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan, the civil war in Yugoslavia ..." he responds. "How would I know E. I've always read it. Let's look at the bay, seeing the CD ..."

Music rises, as George's incredibly moving voice touch my heart, my eyes are starting to fill up. And then ... At a time, very familiar music. George Yunanca'sιnι say, I loudly Turkic say: "screaming, half-night ... Your brother does not hear, tribesman hear ... duplicate the barriers and walk you go ... your heart can move and will take you ... Nice after the flood, ... Your brother does not hear from the sand away, tribesman hear ... "

Is the pain of love, George's music you do not know sarhoslugundan, tears are flowing. Since then, I started collecting CDs like crazy Dalaras. Recorded over 120 albums since the 1960 fall hunt, trying to make up for missed years. If I do not understand the lyrics to the music, if I do not know I love him.

Rumelihisarι'nda news will give a concert in 2007 is coming. I'm delirious with joy.But are blocked.'s Concert of the necessary documents to give you not say exactly. Keep the City Hall in New York, Paris Olympia'ya, shaking the earth with every step Dalaras'ιn gig in our country is prohibited. As I said in my time, state officials, appears to be biased. Come on, I probably had a right to be ignorant or that they exist? "That the Turkish enemy ..." are as dogmatic in the matter.

Past Saturday, the Turkish population is covered by this shame. And what a cover ... George came out on stage, 4500 people filled the open air with cheers, screams her "Welcome!" he says. if their hands will be thrown onto the stage, will embrace it, they will wrap up. "Finally ..." It is the first word ... At the end ...

Dalaras left alone with Turkish audiences for the first time, open air concerts in the undersigned's is by far the best. Livaneli'yle Zulfu the "brother does not hear *" i said 4500 people with one voice choir. Half Greek, half Turkish ... Perhaps the first time in Turkey in a concert of people singing in a language other than English and Turkish, which are accompanied by a man with such enthusiasm. Not enough, throw the ladder doing the Sirtaki. 3 hour concert, 5 bisle is crowned. But in fact, do not stop, the taste stays in everyone's palate.

After the concert, accompanied the team in the George Restaurant in X. I've got.I know my close friend for many years, my brother, my neighbor kavusmuscasιna hugged him ... First surprised, then responded with the same temperature. After a while I was a journalist, albeit a short interview with me and realizes I have stated I would be very happy. No hesitation, "OK," he said. In two and a half of the night against the spectacular views of the Golden Horn, and sip our glasses, we were chatting. My next-door neighbor is not on my side this time, but life itself, is my neighbor had Yorgo'nun.

Brother does not hear *: Livaneli banned in Turkey, while being held in Greece on the hands caused sadness in the words of a song that has been expressed.

Your mother from Izmir. Minor or Turkey in Izmir, while your mother never listens to the stories you?

Much more ... Not only my mother, my uncle annenannem and frequently live in Ontario about their memories of their days, they would explain what they do in everyday life. Some of my family members after the occupation of Izmir Limnos'a, some of the island of Chios, while others have migrated to the island of Lesbos.Forced to flee London the day so they would not tell. As if they did not forget but never forgotten.

Do you have good memories can tell us?

We as their children, they can not express their feelings and memories. Among them were people so that they were forced to leave this land because it did not know. That is such a tragedy. But all these human beings live and think as to what is getting mature in life, nothing is guaranteed not understand. What democracy, what a comfortable life, equality of what ... Something that is stronger than you, at a time can change the flow of life.

Your father is a well-known artists bouzouki. When I was little How would you feel when you listen to his music?

I was little my father would travel a lot. I miss my father's childhood was spent, I can say. On the return of overseas travel, I'm with him, listening to music of my time was unforgettable. In my eyes was a great singer and musician. I was very impressed and this was the reason I've started.

There are many other musicians in your family. Family, we are capable, you can tell?

"Talented" I do not know the correct word, but a family of music lovers, who'll be interested in music. My grandfather, my uncles were all musicians. But I think what is more important than music, lyrics ... That a person can understand the depth of our music we must understand.

But I tell you, if you do not understand a single word of the songs in your music makes me very emotional. It gives your messages you know and I think I understand you.

How nice! But in fact you do not understand. Tell us the songs, especially I've called, Theodorakis, Hatzidakis, Ksarhakos, Markopoulos'un spoken words of the song is not passed, the songs are of high poetic quality. The problem with us. CD released in Turkey, Turkish, have given their lyrics. We will soon make such a preparation.

Your music and your voice has touched the hearts of people. In Turkey, the Greek world, as all who do not have many fans. So what do you connect?

Good to hear it. But good music, very well-written verses should be composed of predecessors. The lyrics of the songs that night we said we would very much like the public to understand. I have given concerts in Turkey for the first time in this amazing night, my songs I wish to understand the messages behind. In this way, why some people last time I had blocked my gig, my reasons for choosing social and political issues they perceived. It created the perception that he would either accept me, or they would reject.

Why necessarily have to make a choice?

Because I'm expressing myself with my music on it ... I say music, I mean ... Some of these songs to be written, the cause and with all my heart to tell I wish you and me, watching thousands of people ... to dance we eat and drink and our "Hopa" to say, written for the songs are, a quality that the songs ... Music is an art compound. A big part of this art is lost when you do not understand that. I like George as you'd like to give a song that should come to pass over, to the spirit, get to the heart of appeal.

Well then tell us your music, please?

They know what I did in Greece. Some of my choices does not participate, "We do not want to hear songs about politics." he says. Our citizens in our language the word "Politis" is. If civic politics, the artist's think about how it ought to be political.Is more than 30 years, one of the world where I go, America, Canada, Australia, Germany ... Greeks did not have too much, even in countries like slow songs, and began to understand. The reason for this, not to see me and liked the song in their own language translations read and understand. Difficult to explain briefly my music. Social responsibility met with my music, I can say. Peace, democracy, equality, fraternity, human rights for the songs I do. Do not know how to fight for democracy, many people, our art, we need to give them your support in our music, "at your side," we have to say. Pop music in the atmosphere, it is difficult to tell a different world, but there is another world. And we know it, we can not pretend does not know.

In Turkey, you have so many fans did you know?

Greeks in Turkey, but this much I knew he was a warm welcome, actually I did not expect such a crowd ... At the end here, you. I was so happy, I have great feelings. I spent an incredible three hours. This means a new beginning.

Are you coming back?

I really like. Turkish audience in a wonderful, very enthusiastic ... My song touched me the most important factor was to be accompanied.

Turkish music you listen to?

Sure. Turkish music all Greeks are very religious. Let's not forget that the Greeks are often already migrated from Anatolia, and whether they came from the Black Sea. In Greece, the homeland of the songs they write. Very close to the two music. This is why the Turks, Greek, Greek or Turkish music I love. CDs of music that I follow the rest out. I like Turkish folk and ethnic music.

Last question: What is the secret of your youth?

(A moment then burst out laughing does not respond. I think he is the first time such a question gayrιciddi. But am I wrong? Current photos of the island in 61 years you say? ")

I never thought ... I am one who stands firmly on the ground. I did not enter the big star to ever air. Positioning itself in very high places who do not ready any of the artists away from society. To talk with people, I like to look in the eyes when talking. I'm trying a lot of my work, but I believe it is money. Also ... I'm just like you across the sea. I think they do all the secrets.

The song at the age of 22 say Dalaras'ιn

George Dalaras, Livaneli with Outdoor rocked then said, "I'm 22 years old me singing this song was. Please note that Learn. For me to understand a very important ... This is like the break is not," Mes Tou Vosphorou ta Stena "song of the Turkish words publish.

They sat against the throat and Mehmet Giannis

Cry against the dawn as they sing

I am from Turkey, I am Greek

But we both are human beings

One Jesus, and one God

But in two of our state, "Oh, and woe"

With a little love and a little wine

You can also get drunk, and I

My friend and my brother into taking the syllogism

Well beyond that what is brotherhood?

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Από το περιοδικό "Εγώ" της εβδομάδας που πέρασε (3-10/7/2010).

Στους "ΝΙΚΗΤΕΣ" της εβδομάδας το όνομα του Γιώργου Νταλάρα με το εξής σχόλιο:

'Οι συναυλίες του στην Τουρκία είναι sold out, όταν νεότερα ονόματα πάνε και βλέπουν πώς μοιάζουν από ψηλά οι άδειες καρέκλες. Έστω και στην τουρκική βερσιόν τους."



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