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franz averstegge

Some thoughts about the club.

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First of all,it is such a pleasure,after a hard day of working and stress,to look into the club-site,while listening a Dalaras CD.I don't want to miss the club.                                        But somethings in my opinion could be done better.               At first,we are a international club.I like the greek letters.But I cannot read them!And so I think most of our members outside Greece.My suggestion is,if someone wants to write in greek words,give a translation behind.                                 The second is,we have nearly 300 members.Mostly,there is a new member,Micki welcomes the new member,and nothing heard about the member.There are,I think only 20 members who write regular in the club.That must have a reason.As I think most of the new members want to learn more about G.D.When they read all the posts,there are so many names and things they don't know.What we need is a explanation for members who wants to know more about G.D.Some is to find in,but the most not. Someone must start a new topic:Questions of new members.Then there must be a expert,who answers the questions.      Franz

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If someone wants informations about Dalaras he gets at!! There's no other place in the whole www where you find about Dalaras what you find here!!

Dalaras is Greek and he's singing in Greek ( thank God). If someone is interested in Dalaras he/she should try to understand the Greek language. This belongs to it! If your interested in something foreign you have to go there, not to wait until it will come to you.

The first time I heard Dalaras was in 1983. I'm German and I have great problems to speak in Greek, as I never learned it seriously. But there are Dalaras' songs I'm able to sing, sometimes the whole song, sometimes only the refrain. I learned from listening and looking at the lyrics,which you find (of course only at this website) and with the help of a dictionary!

Slowly, slowly of course, but it works!!

The questions of new members! If someone visits this website 2 or 3 times, at least he/she knows how it works! So, if there's a question, tell it!

And I think, at least next day the answer will be there!

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Slowly it works, yes. And I agree that you should go to what interests you. But not everybody has the same time to spend to it.

I suggest Franz, if you don't understand, ask it somebody who's Greek. I'm sure someone will help you out.

I try to translate on my own and ask in pm to some people the words I don't understand. And than I want to translate it from my language to English and than Geeske is faster, which I like because that way I can compare. Or even don't have to translate at all (I don't have all day to do all these nice discovering things, the days are already too short for me, not to mention the nights).

Good luck.


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Franz, we are all here to answer each other's questions. I have learnt many many things here.

Now, between us, I started learning Greek when I was 11 or 12 years old, because I knew Greek music would become one of the most important elements in my life. So, why don't you try? Learning Greek is one of the most beautiful presents you can make to yourself...

:(  :D  :)  :D  :)  :D  ;)  :D  ;)  :D  ;)  :D

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Franz, I know you were not thinking of yourself but I think our answers to your post concern everybody.

I also think it is getting 'professional' that way, who will be the expert? Who will answer the questions ? I still like to think this meeting place is on voluntary base as well for asking as for answering.

Also I have learnt lots and lots (slowly because that's how I am but I'm learning, one of my favourite things to do).

And about the new members? Well, I think they are all mature enough to decide wether they join or not, just read the topics or comment or for whatever reason that they have become member. I joined this site a little later than most others of the members that post regularly, but I knew the site, I read it whenever I could. Later when I could be on internet more often, I joined. I don't think we can say that the site is the reason that the new members don't join. We don't know the reason.

The idea is beautiful, Franz, really and I know you are not selfish but I think it is just a bit too hard to realise on regular base. I wish I had the time to do it, I would be 'researching' all day, wow, like a real journalist!?

Anyway, keep up the good spirit Franz.

Now, Nikola, I've applied with Anna for a job (as assistant photographer) could I also with you to do research and write (in Greece of course ! )


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I agree with Franz. I know that many people here don't understang Greek. But I would like to explain that the people who write in Greek sometimes don't do it in purpose. Sometimes it is really difficult to express yourself well in a foreign language. Also in my opinion trying to read and understand the greek messages can help you understand Dalaras' songs better. Knowing new words and expressions.

I think the new topic with the questions of the new members is a great idea and it could help lots of members (not only the new ones.) I don't think there should be an expert, because I don't think there is anyone who knows everything about music and greek language. We could help each other though. Lets make a new topic and send questions. Whoever knows the answer will give it.  :)

Sorry for the long message  :(

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Clear as a crystal. Vicky, you should visit us here more often.

And Franz' idea has been started already.


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I know that Franz is not very much used to Internet forums and the way they work; he has probably not realized that the whole forum is , in effect, the place-to-ask-questions that he proposes; and the "expert" he is asking for is there: it's us, all of us, collectively. It's a very un-organized way of doing things; it's not tidy; but it's the way it works.

I would also like to say that I really like it very much when people post in Greek, especially if it is not too long :confused:  and in Greek characters (I'm sorry but Greeklish really is very confusing). If I really don't understand there is always someone to help. And what Vicky says is so true! You don't really hear a person's voice until you hear them speak their own language.

Finally, I would like to thank Francois for a) speaking my mind for me and :confused: reassuring that if I'm crazy, at least I'm not the only one:

Learning Greek is one of the most beautiful presents you can make to yourself

Yes it is. It is.

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Franz, don't worry, we understand your intentions. No need to feel mad about it... :confused:

Personally, I will stick with Anna's post. And besides, Franz, this forum is full of questions and answers. We don't need a special topic like 'questions', simply because it will seem as all questions have to be asked there. Imagine what this would look like after a couple of questions.

Normally, a question or an issue is a topic itself.

And the website should not be underestimated. Maybe it sucks, ok, but sometimes it can surprise you with its intelligence...  :sarcasm:

p.s: Micki, any time :confused:

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the website should not be underestimated. Maybe it sucks,

Maybe it does - but maybe it doesn't.

In my humble opinion it doesn't.

I've seen a surprising number of sites dedicated to singers (and other artists) recently, and let me tell you: this one is very, VERY good. The quantity and quality of the available information are amazing, for one thing, but even more surprising is how find-able and accessible it is.

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this one is very, VERY good. The quantity and quality of the available information are amazing, for one thing, but even more surprising is how find-able and accessible it is.

Yes, Geeske, and I think I have developed an addiction to this most excellent site. :confused:  :cool:

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Franz, I didn't say that this topic is a problem, and I didn't say it is you who started it. I just addresses it to you, because you put the idea. Not a problem anyway. I didn't mean it had to be otherwise.

Geeske. I can't say.   :confused:

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You are right to stick to Anna post Nikola.

It is perfectly clear and to the point, just as usual  :confused: .

But you shouldn't underestimate the lack of confidence of many new members.

It can be very intimidating to try to post one's little silly questions among all the very clever, often well informed,  :sarcasm: postings...

If it helps them to participate more actively by starting with a topic just called Questions why not let them?

One muddled topic will not destroy the excellent organization of this "most excellent" site, and the newcomers  will soon graduate to the "clever people's club".

But, of course, this is your baby and you must deal with  it as you think fit  :confused:

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Sarantis, a T-shirt to wear on my sleep...   :blush: is a great idea!...

And it would be perfect with my Dalaras pillow-case...  :D

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Are you in love, Sarantiis?

  :blush:  :(  :(  :razz:

Niki, what would be better than to go to sleep and wake up with Dalaras??

Sarantis, I don't know about this... :sarcasm:  but I know that I would die to have a cup of coffee with him here and then... (once a year perhaps???  :sarcasm: ) Well... wishful thinking...  :(   :sarcasm:  While others... had him in their houses...  :D  :cool:  Lucky you!  :)  I'll just have to dream on..  :sarcasm:  :razz:  :blush:  :music:

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