Τα «Λαϊκά» Ντουέτα Του Γιώργου Νταλάρα Στους 100,6 Fm (11/6)

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Τετάρτη βράδυ στους 100,6 της Θεσσαλονίκης, κλείνουμε το "Ωδείο" μας για φέτος με μια ξεχωριστή εκπομπή...


Τα «λαϊκά» ντουέτα του Γιώργου Νταλάρα στους 100,6 fm (11/6) 


Γράφτηκε από τον  Θανάσης Γιώγλου 

Τρίτη, 10 Ιουνίου 2014 







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H συγκεκριμένη εκπομπή αφιερώνεται στους εκτός Θεσσαλονίκης φίλους, από την υπόλοιπη Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό, που αν και «στήθηκαν» από νωρίς μπροστά στους διαδικτυακούς τους «δέκτες» (κατά κόσμον υπολογιστές) για να την ακούσουν, αυτό κατέστη αδύνατο, αφού λόγω σοβαρών τεχνικών προβλημάτων δεν υπήρχε διαδικτυακή μετάδοση…


Τα λαϊκά ντουέτα του Γιώργου Νταλάρα, στους 100,6 Fm
Γράφτηκε από τον  Θανάσης Γιώγλου
Πέμπτη, 12 Ιουνίου 2014
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Ευχαριστούμε για την αφιέρωση και την εκπομπή! Και του χρόνου με υγεία και έμπνευση! 

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Dear Dalaras Club members,

I live my life far from Greece,

and it's sad going to Greece is almost impissible due to my health condition.

Youtube is the only window to Mr. Dalaras' Concerts and interviews.

But I don't like youtube's access refusal from Japan

to many Mr. Dalaras's videos for some copyright reason?

Again and again, youtube have showed me the message

"This video is not available in you country".

For more than 30 years I'm so addicted to Mr. Dalaras

and have bought almost every CDs he had released, .

My self-educated Greek vocablary allows me to understand, at best,

one fifth of what he says in his interviews, but 30 years of listening to his songs

made me feel that "I want to hear his sopken voice even if I don't understand it !"

May I ask someone of you the favour

to send me mp3 or mp4 file of this programm ?

Thanks in advance


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Dear Dalaras Club members,

I live my life far from Greece,

and it's sad going to Greece is almost impissible due to my health condition.

Youtube is the only window to Mr. Dalaras' Concerts and interviews.

But I don't like youtube's access refusal from Japan

to many Mr. Dalaras's videos for some copyright reason?

Again and again, youtube have showed me the message

"This video is not available in you country".

For more than 30 years I'm so addicted to Mr. Dalaras

and have bought almost every CDs he had released, .

My self-educated Greek vocablary allows me to understand, at best,

one fifth of what he says in his interviews, but 30 years of listening to his songs

made me feel that "I want to hear his sopken voice even if I don't understand it !"

May I ask someone of you the favour

to send me mp3 or mp4 file of this programm ?

Thanks in advance



Try this http://r6---sn-4vguioxu-5uie.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?source=youtube&fexp=924639%2C927622%2C930666%2C931983%2C932404%2C934030%2C937513%2C945058%2C946023%2C947209%2C952302%2C953801&sver=3&id=o-AB1_mPx_dXLDP8CxVWmWbob5i2P7X5vXs6qUqkMMRI6T&key=yt5&itag=18&ip=

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Dear Elli13,

Thanks for the prompt response.

Unfortunately the link you taught me was not valid on my browsers

(Internet Explorer & Opera).

But now I can feel a bit of hope.

There might be a place (xxx.google.com/playback) ?

where I could watch Dalaras' video?

Thanks again for your suggestion.

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Report of the success

For the first time in my internet history,

Russian free proxi server worked for ten minutes and

I could access the video and I converted it to a mp3. file.

I'm going to try in this way

on other videos forbidden to me by youtube.


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