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Does anyone knows how you can contact Dalaras?

Does he answer to fan letters?

He doesn't answer e-mails. That I know cause I've tryed in his official site. Please... What do I have to do?

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I should think, possibly thousands.

I know a little from other sources about how difficult fan-mail can be to cope with - after all, there are hundreds of thousands of us, and only one of him.

And isn't it the songs that matter most of all? Remember that all the time Dalaras spends with fans, he can't spend making music...

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 Well that's a trick, isn't it? For the moment I know you, Italk with you, I chare my feelings with you. So I suppose it's reasonable to choose a new song for all of us. Though I would prefere both! Hi,hi,hi...

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Poor Saranti, pinched black and blue :)

It feels unfair - Dalaras giving us so much happiness, and what can we do? Tell him that we love him, that he makes us happy, and then behave ourselves so as not to embarrass him or be in his way...

And that's about it... especially since he has that guitar already ;)

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If you go to the official Dalaras- site ( and send a mail to him through the Speak to Dalaras service, he will answer you within five minutes. Of course, he will answer with the same thing if you write again, but nevertheless ;) .

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About the numbers of fans:

concert figures are a bad guess, because non-fans attend Dalaras concerts too, and many fans go every night when they get the chance.

And then, the frontiers between 'like him', 'love him' and 'mad fan' are blurred...

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True, Saranti, there is NO cure for Dalaras fever.

After the initial violent outburst of infaction, this fever will settle down into a chronic condition; it can even go dormant for a while, but I will break out - like malaria - again and again.

But you know, there are people who are immune to his voice. I know it sounds unbelievable - actually, I who have met them, have trouble believing it myself... but this is the sad, sad truth. Poor folk!!! Good thing there are not too many of them.

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I make a different calculation!

How many do have a computer with internet connection? Every 10th? So, as we have 125 Members here at the club, I think there are only 1250 Dalaras fans, if I counted right this time!!  

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Dear members,

Why dono't we look at sales records.

In my opinion it must be several hundreds of thousands, if you see that only in netherlands already more than three thousand.

This number is quite official as I know from the greek recordshop in amsterdam has about three thousand members and the last concert was sold out in The hague with three thousand people in the audience.

By the way I think one million is more close, do we agree????


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I think its vain to try to count the total fans of Dalaras. People that like him,  like him a lot or love him prove it on every concert or on every cd he releases. I agree with Sarantis that there are small fans and big fans, people who wouldn't like him, wouldn't either go to see him.Although, there might be people who would buy a cd of him, from curiosity or to get to know his work better, maybe, but in the end, it's almost sure that they would become fans.

And another reason for not being able to count his fans is that day by day new people from all over the earth, magnetized by his voice and his performance, are added to a wider "club" of his fans.

So, why, to be counted? We know we are too many!!!Don't we???... and he, George Dalaras, knows it better!!!

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Of course there are more than 1250 fans! But I'm still wondering why we only have  125 members at this club! Why don't the 100 thousands join here??

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And some see this club and have the sense to flee!

Honestly, this place is SO addictive, it's a public health hazard... ought to be banned...

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