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samba song title?

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Hello everybody,

I visited a concert in Berlin where Dalaras performed a title which was so wonderful I have been looking for the title ever since - so far without success. Maybe some of you can help me...

It is a samba rhythm, and I think it was in Spanish. I only remember that it had "amorrrrrrr" in the chorus... Does someone know this song??

I would be grateful for any hint! :)

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Hello everybody,

I visited a concert in Berlin where Dalaras performed a title which was so wonderful I have been looking for the title ever since - so far without success. Maybe some of you can help me...

It is a samba rhythm, and I think it was in Spanish. I only remember that it had "amorrrrrrr" in the chorus... Does someone know this song??

I would be grateful for any hint! :)

It is in the new CD, but I have not heard it yet. Yes, it is in Spanish, from what I have heard from the other members of the club. But personally, I prefer GD when he sings in Greek. I think he is at his best only in quality Greek music.

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Dalaras is best with every good music and he knows to choose!!!

He may be "at his" best, from time to time, depending on his form, when he sings in Spanish or when he sings a fado, but he cannot be the best fado singer. He is the best laiko* singer of today. :wow:

*and "laiko" is a typical Greek word, isn't it?

Hello Anna! I wish I were in Berlin too! :D

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I do know he is a wonderful laiko and rembetiko singer - I have been loving his music for fifteen years now. But he is far more than "just" that, and his latin songs are just as full of life and authenticity as his greek ones. You should have listened to this title when he performed it in Berlin...

So you say the song is on his new CD? Since I do not know the title of the song, maybe you could just tell me the name of the CD you meant? Is it "The Ultimate Collection" or "I asfaltos pou trechi"? I'm afraid I'm a little behind with my information...

Thanks, keep on singing :D

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You missed the chance of your life, as they sold the new CD 'apo kardias' at the concert in Berlin!!

I don't know when this CD will be in the stores in Germany, if ever!

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Micki, the CD is on it's way to Belgium!

Francois, why didn't you come to Berlin to enjoy Dalaras!

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I do know he is a wonderful laiko and rembetiko singer - I have been loving his music for fifteen years now. But he is far more than "just" that, and his latin songs are just as full of life and authenticity as his greek ones. You should have listened to this title when he performed it in Berlin...

So you say the song is on his new CD? Since I do not know the title of the song, maybe you could just tell me the name of the CD you meant? Is it "The Ultimate Collection" or "I asfaltos pou trechi"? I'm afraid I'm a little behind with my information...

Thanks, keep on singing :D

But he is far more than "just" that, and his latin songs are just as full of life and authenticity as his greek ones. You should have listened to this title when he performed it in Berlin...

Concerning this, see our debates about "passion" and "reason"... :wow:

So you say the song is on his new CD?

Yes, the new CD "Apo Kardias", which seems to be absolutely magnificent, and which I long to listen to... I am desperately waiting for July 15th.... If they don't have it, I'll .... Welll!!!!lllll!!!! I don't know what I'll do.... :wow:

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the new double CD 'Apo kardias' you can get at:

Hellenic Culture

Weserstr. 56

12045 Berlin

They just change the adress, so I don't know if the tel. nr. is still ok! It's 030/61307373

Or maybe you try to mail to them:

Good luck!!

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Hello to all,

thanks for the many replies and helpful suggestions!!!! :razz:

I will go and get it at once, promise. As soon as it is in the stores. I'm afraid I missed the chance of buying it directly at the concert... I didn't know it wasn't officially on the market yet...

Anyway, after a wonderful concert, you don't exactly feel like queuing for a record.. at least, I didn't.

Greetings to all the fans,


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