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Dalaras a Saint?

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Hey Olga, I read the posts as you suggested but first, let me explain that when I said "there is a god", I didn't mean it religiously neither did I mean that Dalaras is a God. In my country (and maybe in many others) when we say this expression or "God exists", it signifies that a person is suddenly very lucky, as if god had looked upon him or her. well, if you had understood it already, don't pay attention.

Anyway, is Dalaras a saint? oh no, he's too much of a man. Saints wear aureoles, they talk to God and stuff like that. And what is most disagreeable, they don't live long. Let us say, some men are blessed, artistically speaking, and he's one of them. :):)

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Let us say, some men are blessed, artistically speaking, and he's one of them. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Οι παλιές ιστορίες και προκαταλήψεις πάλι :rolleyes::rolleyes::):):):pity:

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I mean, I understood the greek words but I guess some links are missing, for my full comprehension of it. I hope I didn't say a barbarism... :)

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