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Πού να 'σαι τώρα, Άννα

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Sorry for being away, I will be back in October. For the moment, here is something I could not resist doing...

ÊÜíå êïõñÜãéï, ¢ííá. | Kane kouragio Anna,

ÐÜëåøå ôá ÷ñüíéá. | fight with time

¢ííá ìïõ, ìå ôéò áëëéþôéêåò óõíÞèåéåò, | My Anna, with the different habits

ôéò áëëéþôéêåò êéíÞóåéò. | the different moves

Åß÷åò ðïëý êáëïýò ôñüðïõò. | You had very good manners

Öáéíüôáí üôé Þóïõí áðü Üëëï êüóìï. | It was obvious that you were coming from another world

¼ìùò, åóý Ýêáíåò ü,ôé ìðïñïýóåò | But you were doing everything you could

ãéá íá ìçí ôï äåß÷íåéò. | in order not to show it

Äåí ðåñéöñïíïýóåò ôç öôþ÷åéá | You didn't contemn poorness

áëëÜ ïýôå óå ãïÞôåõå éäéáßôåñá. | but it didn't attract you as well

¼ëá óå óÝíá Þôáí äéáöïñåôéêÜ. | Everything in you was different

Ôï äùìÜôéï óïõ ìå ôá óðÜíéá áíôéêåßìåíá, | Your room with the rare objects

ôá ãñÜììáôá, ôá äþñá óïõ... | the letters, the gifts

Óßãïõñá, åß÷åò êáëýôåñï ãïýóôï áðü ìÝíá! | You bet that you had a better taste than mine!

Åñ÷üóïõí êáé ì' Ýâñéóêåò. | You were coming to find me

Ôï êñåâÜôé ìïõ, ôï óôÞèïò óïõ... | My bed, your breast...

¢ííá, ìéêñÞ ðñüóôõ÷ç êõñßá. | Anna, little dirty lady

Êáé êÜôù áð' ôá ðáñÜèõñá âñåãìÝíïò äñüìïò, | And outside (down) the windows, a wet road

ï Þ÷ïò ôïõ ôñÝíïõ, ôï óïýñïõðï. | the sound of the train, the nightfall

Êáé ôï äùìÜôéï ìïõ, ¢ííá, | And my room, Anna

êñåìáóìÝíï óôïí áÝñá, | hanged in the air

óáí ðïñôïêÜëé. | like an orange

ÊÜíå êïõñÜãéï ¢ííá. | Kane kouragio Anna

Ðïý íá 'óáé ôþñá; | Who knows where you are now

Ðïéïò îÝñåé ðþò ðåñíÜò... | who knows how you are doing

Ðïý íá 'óáé ôþñá; Á÷ ðþò áíôÝ÷åéò; | Who knows where you are now. How you can do

×ùñßò íá Ý÷åéò áõôü ðïõ áãáðÜò | without having what you love

êáé äß÷ùò í' áãáðÜò áõôü ðïõ Ý÷åéò... | and without loving what you have...

ÎÝñåéò ¢ííá åìåßò ïé äõï | You know Anna, for the two of us,

Þôáí ãñáöôü íá óõíáíôçèïýìå. | it was written (in the destiny) to meet

Ôé íá îÝñïõí; Ðþò ìðïñïýí íá îÝñïõí ïé Üëëïé; | What could others know? How could they know?

Óõíïìßëçêç, ìéêñÞ åñùìÝíç ìïõ. | My coetaneous, little lover

ÈõìÜóáé; Åêáôïììýñéá óôéãìÝò, | Do you remember? Millions of moments

óôéãìÝò ðïõ üóï ðÜíå êáé ëéãïóôåýïõí, | moments that become fewer and fewer

Ýôóé üðùò êÜðïéïé ôéò ëåçëáôïýí | as some foray them

ìðñïóôÜ óôá ìÜôéá ìáò, êÜèå ìÝñá. | in front of our eyes, every day

¢äéêá ðáëåýù íá ôéò êñáôÞóù, Üäéêá. | Hopelessly (!) I fight to keep them, hopelessly (! again)

êõëÜíå âïõâÜ êáé öåýãïõí | they trickle slow and they go

ðñïò ôç ìåãÜëç èÜëáóóá. | towards the big sea

ÐÝñáóáí ôüóá ÷ñüíéá. | So many years have passed

Äåí öïñÜù ðéá ôï öïéôçôéêü ìïõ ìðïõöÜí | I don't wear my student jacket anymore

êáé äõóêïëåýïìáé íá óõíçèßóù | and I can hardly get used

áõôü ôï êáëïñáìÝíï êïõóôïýìé. | to this well needled costume

Äåí ðåñéöñïíþ ôï ÷ñÞìá | I don't contemn money

áëëÜ ïýôå ìå ãïçôåýåé éäéáßôåñá. | but it doesn't attract me so much

Ìüôóáñô, ÑÝêâéåì, Agnus Dei, Yesterday. | .........................

Áðüøå èá 'ñèù óôï ðñþôï óïõ üíåéñï. | Tonight I will visit your first dream

Ìç ãåñÜóåéò ¢ííá, ìç ãåñÜóåéò. | Don't get old Anna, don't get old

Ðåò øÝìáôá óôïí Üíôñá óïõ. | Lie to your husband

Óêßóå ôçí ðñüóêëçóç, áêýñùóå ôï äåßðíï. | Rip the invitation, cancel the dinner

Áêïýìðçóå ìå, üðùò ôüôå, ìå ôï ãüíáôü óïõ | Touch me, like that time, with your knee

êÜôù áðü ôï ôñáðÝæé. | under the table

Áðüøå, ¢ííá. | Tonight, Anna

Óôï êáëýôåñï îåíïäï÷åßï. | In the best hotel

Áðüøå. | Tonight

Óôï ðñþôï óïõ üíåéñï. | In your first dream

ÊÜíå êïõñÜãéï ¢ííá. | Kane kouragio Anna

Ðïý íá 'óáé ôþñá; | Who knows where you are now

Ðïéïò îÝñåé ðþò ðåñíÜò... | who knows how you are doing

Ðïý íá 'óáé ôþñá; Á÷ ðþò áíôÝ÷åéò; | Who knows where you are now. How you can do

×ùñßò íá Ý÷åéò áõôü ðïõ áãáðÜò | without having what you love

êáé äß÷ùò í' áãáðÜò áõôü ðïõ Ý÷åéò... | and without loving what you have...

Ìç ãåñÜóåéò ¢ííá, ìç ãåñÜóåéò. | Don't get old Anna, don't get old

Ãéáôß äåí èá '÷ù ðéá êáíÝíáí êáé ôßðïôá | because I won't have anybody and anything

íá ìå êñáôÞóåé íÝï. | to keep me young

Ìüíïò ìïõ åðéìÝíù áêüìá åäþ, | I am alone, still insisting here

ðáñüëï ðïõ Üñ÷éóå ðÜëé íá âñÝ÷åé, | although it has again started to rain

Ýôóé üðùò âñÝ÷åé ðÜíôá óôá íçóéÜ | as it always rains in the islands

Ïêôþâñç ìÞíá. | during October

ÈõìÜóáé; | Remember?

ÈÜëáóóá áðü ìïëýâé êáé ïõñáíüò áðü ðåýêá. | A sea made of lead and a sky of pines

Áðüìáêñåò, áíÜêáôåò öùíÝò. | Remote, mixed voices

Ç öùíÞ ôçò ìçôÝñáò, ôïõ ößëïõ, ôçò êüñçò, | The voice of the mother, of the friend, of the daughter,

ôïõ áäåëöïý, ôçò åñùìÝíçò, | of the brother, of the lover

ôçò óåéñÞíáò ôïõ ðëïßïõ. | of the siren of the ship

Ñïý÷á ëåõêÜ, âéáóôéêÜ ìáæåìÝíá, | White clothes, removed quickly

ëßãï ðñéí ôç âñï÷Þ. | just before the rain

Ìáæß ôïõò ÷Üèçêå êáé ôï öùò. | The light was lost with them

¸íáò óýíôïìïò ðåñßðáôïò, | A short walk

áêüìá...åêåß.Äßðëá óôç èÜëáóóá. | still...there. Next to the sea

Êé ýóôåñá...ôÝëïò, ôÝëïò. | And then...the end, the end

ÊÜíå êïõñÜãéï, ¢ííá. | Kane kouragio Anna

Ðïý íá 'óáé ôþñá; | Who knows where you are now

Ðïéïò îÝñåé ðþò ðåñíÜò... | who knows how you are doing

Ðïý íá 'óáé ôþñá; Á÷ ðþò áíôÝ÷åéò; | Who knows where you are now. How you can do

×ùñßò íá Ý÷åéò áõôü ðïõ áãáðÜò | without having what you love

êáé äß÷ùò í' áãáðÜò áõôü ðïõ Ý÷åéò... | and without loving what you have...

Kane kouragio Anna...

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Thanks, Nikola! As I am listening to the song already the 4th time today afternoon (well, I need more "kouragio"!), just a question: do you have another, some "more Greek" word for this "kouragio"? Please!

And I something can't read the Greek letters here, in this topic, Nikola! Do you see it?

Χιλια πορτοκαλια, Νικολα!!!!


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I think a copy-paste must have gone wrong, the characters sets often don't travel well from one program to another.

Keep away, Nikola, keep up the work... :wow:

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Many thanks for this translation Nikola. I've been following the discussion on this song in 'The speaking voice of Dalaras' with great fascination. I confess that when I first heard it I didn't like it at all - far too much breathy whispering for my taste. If I was going to find one word to describe it I think it would have been 'yuk'! But....the words are really beautiful, and I respect the judgement of Melissa, Astron and Christo, so I think I must give it another go.

(and as it doesn't look as if Nikolas will be around for a while to pick up the messages about the fonts, I hope these work better - I haven't made any changes to his translation)

Κάνε κουράγιο, ’ννα | Kane kouragio Anna,

Πάλεψε τα χρόνια.| fight with time

’ννα μου, με τις αλλιώτικες συνήθειες,| My Anna, with the different habits

τις αλλιώτικες κινήσεις | the different moves

Είχες πολύ καλούς τρόπους. | You had very good manners

Φαινόταν ότι ήσουν από άλλο κόσμο | It was obvious that you were coming from another world

Όμως, εσύ έκανες ό,τι μπορούσες | But you were doing everything you could

για να μην το δείχνεις | in order not to show it

Δεν περιφρονούσες τη φτώχεια | You didn't condemn poorness

αλλά ούτε σε γοήτευε ιδιαίτερα | but it didn't attract you as well

Όλα σε σένα ήταν διαφορετικά | Everything in you was different

Το δωμάτιο σου με τα σπάνια αντικείμενα | Your room with the rare objects

τα γράμματα, τα δώρα σου... | the letters, the gifts

Σίγουρα, είχες καλύτερο γούστο από μένα! | You bet that you had a better taste than mine!

Ερχόσουν και μ' έβρισκες | You were coming to find me

Το κρεβάτι μου, το στήθος σου... | My bed, your breast...

’ννα, μικρή πρόστυχη κυρία | Anna, little dirty lady

Και κάτω απ' τα παράθυρα βρεγμένος δρόμος, | And outside (down) the windows, a wet road

ο ήχος του τρένου, το σούρουπο | the sound of the train, the nightfall

Και το δωμάτιο μου, ’ννα, | And my room, Anna

κρεμασμένο στον αέρα, | hanged in the air

σαν πορτοκάλι | like an orange

Κάνε κουράγιο ’ννα. | Kane kouragio Anna

Πού να 'σαι τώρα; | Who knows where you are now

Ποιος ξέρει πώς περνάς... | who knows how you are doing

Πού να 'σαι τώρα; Αχ πώς αντέχεις;| Who knows where you are now. How you can do

Χωρίς να έχεις αυτό που αγαπάς | without having what you love

και δίχως ν' αγαπάς αυτό που έχεις...| and without loving what you have...

Ξέρεις ’ννα εμείς οι δυο | You know Anna, for the two of us,

ήταν γραφτό να συναντηθούμε | it was written (in the destiny) to meet

Τι να ξέρουν; Πώς μπορούν να ξέρουν οι άλλοι; | What could others know? How could they know?

Συνομίληκη, μικρή ερωμένη μου | My coetaneous, little lover

Θυμάσαι; Εκατομμύρια στιγμές | Do you remember? Millions of moments

στιγμές που όσο πάνε και λιγοστεύουν, | moments that become fewer and fewer

έτσι όπως κάποιοι τις λεηλατούν | as some foray them

μπροστά στα μάτια μας, κάθε μέρα | in front of our eyes, every day

’δικα παλεύω να τις κρατήσω, άδικα | Hopelessly (!) I fight to keep them, hopelessly (! again)

κυλάνε βουβά και φεύγουν | they trickle slow and they go

προς τη μεγάλη θάλασσα | towards the big sea

Πέρασαν τόσα χρόνια | So many years have passed

Δεν φοράω πια το φοιτητικό μου μπουφάν | I don't wear my student jacket anymore

αι δυσκολεύομαι να συνηθίσω | and I can hardly get used

αυτό το καλοραμένο κουστούμι | to this well needled costume

Δεν περιφρονώ το χρήμα | I don't condemn money

αλλά ούτε με γοητεύει ιδιαίτερα. | but it doesn't attract me so much

Μότσαρτ, Ρέκβιεμ, Agnus Dei, Yesterday

Απόψε θα 'ρθω στο πρώτο σου όνειρο | Tonight I will visit your first dream

Μη γεράσεις ’ννα, μη γεράσεις | Don't get old Anna, don't get old

Πες ψέματα στον άντρα σου | Lie to your husband

Σκίσε την πρόσκληση, ακύρωσε το δείπνο | Rip the invitation, cancel the dinner

Ακούμπησε με, όπως τότε, με το γόνατό σου | Touch me, like that time, with your knee

κάτω από το τραπέζι | under the table

πόψε, ’ννα | Tonight, Anna

Στο καλύτερο ξενοδοχείο | In the best hotel

Απόψε | Tonight

Στο πρώτο σου όνειρο | In your first dream

άνε κουράγιο ’ννα | Kane kouragio Anna

Πού να 'σαι τώρα;| Who knows where you are now

Ποιος ξέρει πώς περνάς... | who knows how you are doing

Πού να 'σαι τώρα; Αχ πώς αντέχεις; | Who knows where you are now. How you can do

Χωρίς να έχεις αυτό που αγαπάς | without having what you love

και δίχως ν' αγαπάς αυτό που έχεις... | and without loving what you have...

Μη γεράσεις ’ννα,μη γεράσεις | Don't get old Anna, don't get old

Γιατί δεν θα 'χω πια κανέναν και τίποτα | because I won't have anybody and anything

να με κρατήσει νέο | to keep me young

Μόνος μου επιμένω ακόμα εδώ | I am alone, still insisting here

παρόλο που άρχισε πάλι να βρέχει, | although it has again started to rain

έτσι όπως βρέχει πάντα στα νησιά | as it always rains in the islands

Οκτώβρη μήνα | during October

Θυμάσαι; | Remember?Θάλασσα από μολύβι και ουρανός από πεύκα | A sea made of lead and a sky of pines

Απόμακρες, ανάκατες φωνές | Remote, mixed voices

Η φωνή της μητέρας, του φίλου, της κόρης | The voice of the mother, of the friend, of the daughter,

του αδελφού, της ερωμένης, | of the brother, of the lover

της σειρήνας του πλοίου | of the siren of the ship

Ρούχα λευκά, βιαστικά μαζεμένα, | White clothes, removed quickly

λίγο πριν τη βροχή | just before the rain

Μαζί τους χάθηκε και το φως | The light was lost with them

Ένας σύντομος περίπατος | A short walk

ακόμα...εκεί.Δίπλα στη θάλασσα | still...there. Next to the sea

Κι ύστερα...τέλος, τέλος | And then...the end, the end

Κάνε κουράγιο, ’ννα | Kane kouragio Anna

Πού να 'σαι τώρα; | Who knows where you are now

Ποιος ξέρει πώς περνάς... | who knows how you are doing

Πού να 'σαι τώρα; Αχ πώς αντέχεις; | Who knows where you are now. How you can do

Χωρίς να έχεις αυτό που αγαπάς | without having what you love

και δίχως ν' αγαπάς αυτό που έχεις... | and without loving what you have...

Κάνε κουράγιο ’ννα... | Kane kouragio Anna...

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Dear Olga,

another word for `κουράγιο` can be θάρρος, τόλμη ,αντοχή στη δύσκολη στιγμή, αντοχή στην καταστροφή(αντέχω =endure).It depends on the context.

In this particular song , I `d say``Hang in there ,Anna`` But I agree with Nikolas , the Greek word sounds better.

RENA :):pity:

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Thanks, Kate, for the correcture, thaanks, Rena, for your explanations! Methinks, I knew the Greek word αvτεχω even earlier as the English one.

Did you get my last post, Rena? hope so! :) And your Leukos Pirgos is on my calender picture in September!

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Rena is quite right in her suggestions about κουράγιο,but ,Geske, although this word comes directly from the italian "coraggio", it is "greek" enough for a very long time now and you shouldn't seek any synonyms of it(as you don't for λεβέντης ,for example).

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Thanks, Rena, thanks, Kate, thanks, Gazaka!! And I don't mind mixing up us two, Geske and me, it can happen in this huge amount of posts on our selida.... :D

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You could, of course, give us examples of more "untransantable" words, but you know? I like Greek words, which are not so very similar to these used in other languages in a so very common way. Then, a question: any other word for "mikri patrida", like the Germans have? "Heimat" (my place of origin, my place I am bound with) is not the same, as "Vaterland" (the country you come from). Then? "Mikri patrida" is sometimes too long for me. Or - perhaps too little "sophisticated"? I don't know so exactly.

But you could try...

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Olga,you asked for another word for μικρή πατρίδα: well,actually, you ask me to give you a word for a phrase,but ,from the german words you quote I believe you asked for another word for πατρίδα only.In that case, I could give you η χώρα μου or ο τόπος μου instead of πατρίδα.The same thing you said about the two german words applies to these words too; each of them has a slightly different meaning ,is used in different contexts and (more important) has different ideological implications.Now,you could ask me to be more more specific ;well,another time....

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If you mean "home" as "homeland" or "my country" ,then "πατρίδα" is rather the most suitable. Ο τόπος μου is more the birthplace .Now that I'm thinking of it,πατρίδα would be used by those that adopt a right-wing ideology,and τόπος by those that ar closer to the left-wing ideology(or people whom their education or culture doesn't allow them to consider their home something more than a geographical area).And I'm talking only about the contemporary meaning and content of these two terms.

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