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Το υπόγειο

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Posting Πάει ο καιρός reminded me that this song, though it has had a topic of its own (, never got into the translation forum. I remember feverishly translating it last February, and getting into big trouble with it. Having had time to forget what I made of it then, I simply started over again from the beginning, and here is the result. The differences with the earlier attempt are worth a laugh...

I still don't know what the song "means", if that is a question itself means anything (which I suspect it doesn't). But I carry it with me always.

Btw, I think the Katsimichas brothers are answerable for the lyrics and the music, but I don't really know, so if anyone could help on that point? Thanks.


Τους ήλιους δεν εμέτρησες | | You were no match for the suns

που σε ζητήσαν τόσα χρόνια | | that sought you out, for so many years.

πού 'σαι γυναίκα με τα γαλάζια τσίνορα | | Where are you, woman with the blue eyelashes?

σ' έκρυψε στο φουστάνι της η μαραμένη κοπέλα | | The withered girl hid you in her skirt,

πέντε χειμώνες σ' έθαψαν σε χιόνι λασπερό | | five winters buried you in muddy snow.

Μεγάλη νυχτερίδα τρέφεται απ' τη νεότη σου | | A big bat, feeding itself off your youthfulness,

γι' αυτό νωρίς βραδιάζει πριν χορτάσεις | | for that, night falls quickly, before you were satiated.

το μεσημέρι καίει στα ψηλά τα δώματα | | High noon burns upon the high domes.

το κύμα του ξανθό λούζει τους δρόμους | | Its golden wave washes over the streets.

Πεθαίνεις με τους ποιητές κάθε ηλιοβασίλεμα | | You die with the poets, every sunset,

τα χέρια σου μυρίζουν απ' τα μαλλιά τους | | your hands smell of their hair.

χτυπάει η καμπάνα που δεν πιστεύεις πια | | The bell tolls, [the bell] you no longer have faith in.

σε ξένη αυλή συνομιλείς με το φεγγάρι | | In strange courtyards, you have conversations with the moon.

Σου 'φερε ο Μυλόζ φέτος την άνοιξη | | This year, Myloz brought you the springtime.

την πείνα σου ποιος άλλος μπορούσε να νοιαστεί | | Your hunger, who else could take of it?

φουρτούνιασε τη γειτονιά το φιλντισένιο αμάξι του | | His pearly carriage crossed the neighborhood like a storm.

γίνου όμορφη, γίνου όμορφη, | | Grow beautiful! Grow beautiful,

στα περιβόλια θα σε δείξει | | in the gardens he will put you on show.

Έχεις ένα χαμόγελο από μαργαριτάρια | | You have a smile made of pearls,

ψαράδες Σικελοί στο ταίριασαν να το φοράς | | Sicilian fishermen matched them for you, that you might wear it.

Ψάξε και βρες το πριν σε κλείσει η νύχτα | | Look for it, find it, before the night locks you up,

σ' ένα υπόγειο βαθύτερο από τούτο | | in a deeper dungeon than this one.

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Great Geske! I have only two remarks:

-Τους ήλιους δεν εμέτρησες II You didn't count the suns

-φιλντισένιο αμάξι II ivory carriage

Geske ,you did a great job in this one! And you must know that you didn't translate lyrics of Katsimicha's bros , but a poem of Ρίτα Μπούμη-Παπά if I 'm not wrong.

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