s gursu

An interview with Dalaras!

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The following interview was made by a Turkish journalist,Eralp Baydar,one or two years ago.It was made after Dalaras' concert in the Royal Festival Hall,in London.I tried to translate some interesting parts of this interview for you.Here we go;



Eralp Baydar:How would Dalaras describe Dalaras?

George Dalaras:A passionate person...Passionately in love with music and life...

E.B.:Do you know a song that describes Dalaras better than Dalaras?

G.D.:There's a poem of Manolis Anagnostakis,called "Navagio".It was composed by Theodorakis.The very first line of the poem is; "I will stay with you on the ship,even after the accident".It's about determination and confidence.But it's not fatalist,more likely rebellious.I can't think of a more appropriate song.

E.B.:Whenever I hear your name,the first song that comes to my mind is;"Mi mou thimoneis matia mou-Don't be angry with me,apple of my eyes".And I know that this song is also your favorite one?

G.D.:Definetely!The lyrics and the music of Mi mou thimoneis matia mou are by Stavros Kouyoumtzis.Until now,I have never met anybody,not influenced by this song.

E.B.:You've been performing songs of many different composers for over thirty years.Hadjidakis must have a special place among them.How do you remember him?

G.D.:I remember his great sense of humour.He was very outspoken.He didn't pay much attention to others.And certainly he was a great musical genius.He was one of the composers who helped me to shape my style,in the beginning of my career.

E.B.:And Theodorakis?

G.D.:He influenced me a lot with his creativity and his courage as an artist and a citizen.I respect him very much.

E.B.:Have you ever been to Turkey?

G.D:I have been to Istanbul,Efes and Izmir.As my mother was born in Izmir,I especially wanted to visit there.

E.B.:You are not unfamiliar with Turkish music.What would you say about Turkish music?

G.D.:Firstly it's excellent.It's not a secret;we,The Greeks,and you,The Turks,resemble each other in many ways.It's the same for our music.I think that Turkish musicians are very talented and Turkish singers are very good.Zeki Muren was the best in his field,he was a legend.And Ibrahim Tatlύses is very successful.He's unique.

E.B.:In the last few years you've added a song of Zulfu Livaneli,Like an emigrant, to your repertoire?

G.D.:I did.Because it's a wonderful song.Lefteris Papadopoulos' lyrics gone well with  the music.By the way let me say it before you ask;yes,I am acquainted with Livaneli.I regard him as a great musician and I like him very much as a human.

E.B.:Would you like to cooperate with Turkish artists in future?

G.D:Certainly.We must come closer  by means of music.I'm open to suggestions.


E.B.:...You've never sung in English for so many years.I wonder if there's a special reason?

G.D.:English is not a suitable language for my voice.But still if there's a song that influences me,I won't hesitate to sing it.I've never included an English song in my albums and I don't want to.I'm interested in more colorful music styles.I sing in Mediterranean languages.Because I'm used to them.

E.B.:How do you take care of your voice?

G.D.:I don't.I only sing.

E.B.:If you were a Greek God which one would you prefer?

G.D.:Being a God exceeds my limits.I prefer to be compared with ordinary mortal people.

E.B.:What are the most valuable things you have?

G.D.:My soul and my family.Things with a minimum risk to lose.

E.B.:Finally,how would you like to be remembered in future?

G.D.:I don't care how people will remember me.I'm interested in my relatives and my beloved ones.I am sure,as I like,they will remember me with both my good and bad sides.

E.B.:Thank you for the interview.One day,I hope to listen to you in Istanbul.

G.D.:Give Istanbul my regards!I hope that day is very close...

S Gursu (waiting for him)

P.S:Forgive me for the possible mistakes,I've made...

P.S-2:Martha,thank you for your help...

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E.B.:Thank you for the interview.One day,I hope to listen to you in Istanbul.

G.D.:Give Istanbul my regards!I hope that day is very close...

S Gursu (waiting for him)

:D  :)  :music:  :music:

S Gursu (waiting for him)

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This is completely your work Sarper.  :D  It's quite successful.

martha (second person looking forward to Dalaras :) )

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"Navagio".It was composed by Theodorakis.The very first line of the poem is; "I will stay with you on the ship,even after the accident".

ναυαγιο = shipwreck

(guess what my next translation project is)

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Geeske, when you ask for something we should always do our best to satisfy you;after all you do so much for us!So,here is Το ναυάγιο by Μανώλης Αναγνωστάκης:

                         Το ναυάγιο

Θα μείνω κι εγώ μαζί σας μες στη βάρκα

Ύστερα απ' το φριχτό ναυάγιο και το χαμό

Το πλοίο βουλιάζει τώρα μακριά

(Πού πήγαν οι άλλες βάρκες;ποιοι γλιτώσαν; )

Εμείς θα βρούμε κάποτε μια ξέρα

Ένα νησί ερημικό όπως στα βιβλία

Εκεί θα χτίσουμε τα σπίτια μας

Γύρω γύρω απ' τη μεγάλη πλατεία

Και στη μέση μια εκκλησιά

Θα κρεμάσουμε μέσα τη φωτογραφία

Του καπετάνιου μας που χάθηκε-ψηλά ψηλά-

Λίγο πιο χαμηλά του δεύτερου,πιο χαμηλά του τρίτου

Θ' αλλάξουμε τις γυναίκες μας και θα κάνουμε πολλά παιδιά

Κι ύστερα θα καλαφατίσουμε ένα μεγάλο καράβι

Καινούριο,ολοκαίνουριο και θα το ρίξουμε στη θάλασσα

Θα 'χουμε γεράσει μα θα μας γνωρίσουνε.

Μόνο τα παιδιά μας δε θα μοιάζουνε μ' εμάς.

Thanks again to Dalaras and ,of course, s gursu,because they reminded me what a great poet is Μανώλης Αναγνωστάκης....

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Thanks again to Dalaras and ,of course, s gursu,because they reminded me what a great poet is Μανώλης Αναγνωστάκης....

Yes, a great great poet he is...

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Only last week I was telling myself never ever to translate a song or poem again, because it's impossible, useless, dangerous, ugly, and what have you. But what's bred in the blood will out in the bone, as the saying goes. And when I came across this in a fit of house-cleaning.... I decided it was about time I did it (after nearly two years...).

E.B.:Do you know a song that describes Dalaras better than Dalaras?

G.D.:There's a poem of Manolis Anagnostakis,called "Navagio".It was composed by Theodorakis.The very first line of the poem is; "I will stay with you on the ship,even after the accident".It's about determination and confidence.But it's not fatalist,more likely rebellious.I can't think of a more appropriate song.

Το ναυάγιο || The shipwreck

Μανώλης Αναγνωστάκης || Manolis Anagnostakis

Θα μείνω κι εγώ μαζί σας μες στη βάρκα || I, too, will stay with you all in the little boat.

Ύστερα απ' το φριχτό ναυάγιο και το χαμό || After the horrors of the shipwreck, the disaster,

Το πλοίο βουλιάζει τώρα μακριά || the ship is sinking now, off in the distance.

(Πού πήγαν οι άλλες βάρκες; ποιοι γλίτωσαν; ) || (Where did the other boats go? Who else escaped?)

Εμείς θα βρούμε κάποτε μια ξέρα || As for us, we will find some dry land sometime

Ένα νησί ερημικό όπως στα βιβλία || An island, deserted, like in the books,

Εκεί θα χτίσουμε τα σπίτια μας || And there build our houses.

Γύρω γύρω απ' τη μεγάλη πλατεία || All around the big square our houses,

Και στη μέση μια εκκλησιά || and in the middle a church.

Θα κρεμάσουμε μέσα τη φωτογραφία || Inside we will hang up a fotograf

Του καπετάνιου μας που χάθηκε-ψηλά ψηλά- || of our captain who was lost - up high we put him-

Λίγο πιο χαμηλά του δεύτερου, πιο χαμηλά του τρίτου || and a little below his second, and below that his third officer.

Θ' αλλάξουμε τις γυναίκες μας και θα κάνουμε πολλά παιδιά || We will exchange our wives and make many children

Κι ύστερα θα καλαφατίσουμε ένα μεγάλο καράβι || And after that we will put together a big ship

Καινούριο, ολοκαίνουριο και θα το ρίξουμε στη θάλασσα || A new, a brand-new ship and launch it into the sea

Θα 'χουμε γεράσει μα θα μας γνωρίσουνε. || We will have grown old, they won't know us.

Μόνο τα παιδιά μας δε θα μοιάζουνε μ' εμάς. || Only our children will not resemble us.

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